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To add polys or not to add polys.....that is the question




Well I have been able to work a couple more hours this week on my characters. I seem to be all over the board when it comes to work flow. A little here a little there. The base mesh for the body is done and with hair weighs in at 4,620 triangles. I am happy with the detail with the normal maps although the one on the mesh right now can be unwrapped better to get rid of the bad pixelation around the eyes and mouth. I just threw it together to test. The high poly character is around 55,000 triangles and is only good for making texture maps and cinematic scenes. I was thinking of using this base mesh for the top LOD, but since I was able to cut the polys down I think I will add one more LOD higher and place a higher poly head(around 5,000) on the base mesh body so in the future maybe play around with facial animation in game.


Below in the first pic is the low poly base mesh on the left and high poly head on right.



I know you can see the scalp between the hairs and I plan to just place a material the same color of the hair on the scalp cap.




Next one The low poly has no normal map so you can see the difference.



Any comments questions are welcome.



EDIT: forgot wire frame pics






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I'm always amazed by how much detail a normal map adds. I'll have to learn more about it if I get into serious modeling. Unfortunately, the skeleton I bought (which, once reworked, would be my main character) didn't come with one. Don't know yet how I'll make one for it.


Great base mesh, by the way. Did you model the entire thing from scratch?

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Thanks gamecreator. You can add detail a couple different ways. You could find a picture of the detail you want to place on your skeleton and place it in a normal map generator.Or import your skeleton into a 3d modeler(like blender) add a lot more polys to it and sculpt the detail and then bake a normal map from high poly to low poly.


And yes I created the models pain by pain, or I mean plane by plane. :)

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