extending LE.NET ...
Hi folks,
here is a new relatively short entry to my blog introducing my current side project (which will be the base of my bigger secret project) which I will make public to the community.
I'm calling this project "Leadwerks.Extensions". In detail it is a project which will extend the current LE.Net headers with a set of setalite assemblies which will contain and provide some additional functions to the .Net community. My goal is to release a first set of dlls this weekend containing at least 3 assemblies.
1. Leadwerks.Extensions.Common
The basic assembly containing shared functions used by all other assemblies but also providing some helpful functions like enabling rawGL mode, additional engine.dll commands.
2. Leadwerks.Extensions.Drawing
Providing a growing library of 2D funtionality like animated images, viewport and scissor commands, and a lot more
3. Leadwerks.Extensions.Awesomium
A picture often says more than words
I have a lot of ideas for upcoming extensions (GUI, AI, IK, GameManagement, etc.), but if you have ideas or wishes feel free to post them in the comments.
thx for your attention and more details will follow this weekend.
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