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More Leadwerks.com Improvements




There's a new set of pages for Leadwerks Engine 2 up. I think these do a better job communicating all the features of LE2, and explain why it's unique and awesome. Existing users might even learn something from the material:



This also integrates into the forum skin. The only page left on the site that isn't using the global forum template is the 3D World Studio page, and that will be changed shortly.


The 2.43 evaluation kit will be released soon. This will allow some programming and generally be less restrictive than the current 2.3 evaluation kit.


You've now got a URL, Facebook, and Twitter share button in almost every page of the site, up in the header. Use them and help us spread the word about all the great stuff people are making.



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You should add a Google+ share button too (or only). I have already more friends there than in Facebook, and more followers than in Twitter.

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You should add a Google+ share button too (or only). I have already more friends there than in Facebook, and more followers than in Twitter.

Perhaps Google's +1 feature as well


I'm liking these website changes though, it's a nice improvement.


Also, it seems that the link to download the C++ tutorial package on the C++ Programming User Guide page is broken.

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Since the 2.43 "bugs" seam to only appear for few of us

-- i highly suggest to get some option for evaluation users to report bugs and issues ...

would help us greatly to react and handle such issues for with our upcoming releases !


PS: could you make such community things sticky in the forum ... i might miss half of it.

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Perhaps Google's +1 feature as well

Don't they have a simple PHP link you can use, instead of embedding a scripted item into your site?


I can see how it could catch on quickly if it's linked to SEO. Everyone will add one overnight to avoid being left out.

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Don't they have a simple PHP link you can use, instead of embedding a scripted item into your site?I can see how it could catch on quickly if it's linked to SEO. Everyone will add one overnight to avoid being left out.

Looked into it, and it doesn't look like it sadly. Nor is there just a direct link you can go to (via passing the current URI as a param). Looks like it's just the .js and <g:plus or whatnot. :/

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