More interface stuff
I implemented resizable viewports this morning. This is so much more fun than fiddling around with compiler settings.
You can grab the bars between viewports, or the very center space, and drag it around to resize the four viewports. I usually prefer a smaller perspective view, and like to devote most of my space to the 2D views when doing serious editing:
You can also drag the views around to make a single big viewport, or just have two viewports visible:
In 3D World Studio, when you resize the window the program instantly redraws, even as you are still moving the window. This is nice looking but it can get slow when you have a large map loaded, and it makes the program feel slow. The problem is even worse with a deferred renderer, because you are constantly creating and deleting those big gbuffers. I don't like hearing the graphics card fan kick up just because I decided to resize a window.
I'm getting better results by waiting for the user to let go of the mouse before redrawing viewports, but for window and viewport resizing. This has the effect of displaying "bad"/undefined screen regions while the user is resizing things, but it makes the program very fast and responsive. I used to consider those artifacts to be a sort of amateurish trait, but I think this actually works better. The program feels very fast and light, so I think this is actually a pretty good tradeoff. As soon as you let go of the mouse button, the viewports redraw at their new size.
And now we have grids. Starting to look familiar, but new:
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