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Drag, drop, and roll




The various parts of the new editor are coming together. Today I got the properties list box drag and drop functionality working. I actually had to go back and rewrite some of the list control rendering code because I haven't used it in a while, but it didn't take long.


I'm trying to attack known unknowns first, so we're focusing on the flow graph, AI, and game logic, and everything required to build up to support that. I've already written a CSG editor and an engine with great graphics, so I know I can do that. Gameplay support is what I want to focus on now before I cover old familiar ground.



In other news, it has occurred to me that an OpenGL 2 renderer is needed to provide a PC/Mac equivalent of what the iPhone and Android renderer looks like. Leadwerks Engine 2 uses OpenGL 2.1, but this OpenGL 2 renderer won't be anywhere near as advanced. I'm just going to derive a bunch of classes from the OpenGLES 2 renderer, so we can get as close a match as possible to the Android / iPhone render.



Recommended Comments

This is looking good! I like the ability to change the menu/toolbar order. When you mention about the "lightmap plugin", Does this mean we can add a button to the toolbar or menu for "photoshop" for example, and launch the program from in the editor?

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