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Apple and Leadwerks




I was thinking this morning how Apple has influenced my life and the company Leadwerks. You might ask why I am talking about this, since we are only now coming out with our first product for any Apple operating system. Well, before Windows existed, back in the 1980's, this was my first computer:




The first "game" I ever made was in Macintosh Paint. I drew a road from a top-down view, with barriers randomly placed on either side. I drew a race car, zoomed in the image, and used the selection lasso to cut it from the page. By dragging the selected pixels to the top of the screen, I could make the image scroll, causing the road to move beneath my car, and I had to move the mouse left and right to avoid the barriers. (I tried to forget the order I had placed them in.)


I also used this machine to paint my first textures, before texture mapping was invented. I drew sides of buildings with variations with windows and doors. Although the monitor displayed only two colors, black and white, you could approximate gray by stippling pixels. There was also the option to use colored pencils once you printed out the images. I would print these on paper and then construct buildings out of paper with them, a precursor to the work we would do later with CSG modeling.


My uncle also wrote some of the early Mac games, including "Save the Farm", and "Hot Air Balloon". I actually have the original apps and amazingly they run on my 2010 iMac with an emulator.




Last year, as we began development of Leadwerks3D, I bought my first Apple products in my adult life, including a 27" iMac, iPhone 4, and iPad 2. I've been really impressed with the quality and design of these products, and although I am not quite sure their OpenGL 3.2 drivers are there yet, I think high-end graphics on Mac has a good future. (I had it confirmed from another developer that OpenGL 3.2 MRTs do work on Mac, so I still have some experimentation to do. I suspect the multisampled texture format I am using may be causing a problem...) Ever since I started putting out videos of our new engine running on mobile devices, there has been a tremendous response from developers, both inside the Leadwerks community and beyond.


I think the rise of the iPhone as a gaming device was sort of accidental. They had a device that could run apps, then they discovered people were playing games more and more on them. However, all indie game developers should be grateful Apple developed a thriving ecosystem for third party developers, because without them I don't think we would see the resurgence of indie game development like we have. Even if you are developing primarily for Android, you have to admit that platform would not be as good as it is without the influence of iOS.




In a sea of mediocrity, one man cared about his work enough to make sure that everything his company put out was a cohesive reflection of his tastes and standards. I don't agree with every decision Apple has made, but I have a great deal of respect for the way Steve Jobs had a coherent vision and brought it to life, instead of just blindly reacting to what he thought would make money. He rejected the "low quality, low confidence, low price, low effort" approach the rest of the tech industry has taken, and won. Without him I think Leadwerks would be without what I think will be our most successful platforms, and indie game developers would not have the same opportunities that are present today. We should all be grateful for that.






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I admit , he thaught different , specially from Microsoft.

He has brought good things at the beginning indeed, like The music devices before iPhone(Itcouh), but they were really expensive and not as good quality as some equivalent devices and prices sometimes.


He's not the real inventor , i think he brought the concept and general idea, he just gave general ideas, behind him there is an army of game designers, ingineers , etc ... that prototype the products.

And i don't like at all the politics of Apple :

- you can't change a simple Battery yourself, and it's increaduibly expensive as hell

- The system is too much closed

- New versions of Iphone or Ipad each 6-7 months now ... others beeing obsoletes !


I think he was great at advertising, making a show, and generate people "need to buy something new" when it was not

so necessary !

I really don't feel that his life is more important than some FireWorker or Ambulance guy that saves lifes all days.

Sorry, but that's my own appreciation of real life values :P !



Now from a Game Making business, indeed the Iphone and Ipad bring a new market available for indies and anyone wanting to make games, that's a great advance compared to realy years of computers when game making was very closed and highly demanding skills !

Thats' a great thing for people having fun making a game and winning some money to get motivated and go further.

Small game companies will bring back mroe simpler games like in old times, but lot more interesting than all AAA PC games

taht remains the same without real new ideas :P

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