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Short summer :(




It has been a while. I have been very busy and unfortunately that means I have not been modeling much. Not as much as I would like. I still with about one or two hours a week have about 20 to 30 models 70 percent done. I know, I for some reason have a problem with getting bored and moving on to another model. If I want to go any where with this stuff I will have to kick this in the butt soon. The models that I have made was a nice learning process since I have modeled for a while, I have never really done anything for games. Everything should go a little faster since what I have been doing is figuring a way to best optimize the mesh for each model. I have redone my character mesh since last post. I was getting nice results with my old mesh but the deformation in the elbows and knees were just terrible. So I added a loop here and there and I am getting great results. The LOD3 has 4,900 triangles. (My LOD range is 1 the lowest) I am happy with the amount of polys and I could probably cut some out here and there. I am going to leave it were it is since the normal maps are creating a lot of detail. Since I have kept the polys low I plan to make a LOD higher(LOD4) and really the only difference will be the head. The only real reason for the LOD4 is so I can do facial animation. I some times seem to over do things and the head weighs in at around 4,000 triangles. Now that I have gone back and looked it over.The two ears together are around 1,000 and since I am not really planning to do any ear animation I can cut a bunch out there. Other than that I am going to keep everything the same. I know 3,200 triangles sound rather large when it comes to just a head. I would like to create character models that will rival AAA games or even exceed them. So the top LOD will be at around 8,100 and that is pretty good.



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