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Setting up Leadwerks for a better arch-viz experience

Michael Betke



People are not only doing games with Leadwerks. A good number of users also do architectural visualizations with it. This is what I also did in 2011 mostly at Pure3d Visualizations. Leadwerks supports me to present real-time experience to my clients with a stand-alone and let them play themselfs with models, placement and enhance decision-making processes with my help. I got a bit derailed by new solutions like Lumion3D which offers good movie-making but lack of other stuff game-engines support since 2006 and makes clients happy but not me who is used to performant brush based editing and vegetation plcement. it seems you can't have all you need in one great tool.


One thing which is also difficult is to find proper 3d models if you need to finish a project quickly. There are a lot of sites around which let you buy high-quality 3d furniture models to do - lets call it the level design - within the project. But what I found out is that I wasn't able to find good low-poly furniture. If I want a bed or plant I only get a bed with 50.000 triangles. It's not that bad because you don't have to populate a vast space with furniture and its okay to push polycounts a bit higher in realtime arch-viz as in game-dev. But the lack of low-poly geometry with a proper material setup plus a nice normalmap can be time-consuming to do.


So I got the idea to help myself and do a pack of specialized real-time furniture using famous designers as inspiration which can be used in a wide space of engines and even within the shiney new GPU renderer out there (like Octane) which also need optimized geometry and slick material setups to fit into vRam.

Beside five different model formats I did 2048px textures and a focus on clear naming, good geometry and own Lightmap channels to bake a complete solution just on the fly. But I find it difficult in Leadwerks to offer game-ready material setups when it somes to glass and reflective surfaces.


Should I just put placeholders on it and the let the end-user use his own code for cubemaps or translucent surfaces? What would be best setup to bring those models to Leadwerk users as well? I need you opinions as artists and maybe coders on how to do the most valuable setup.


Get to my shop to see some finished models (not Leadwerks ready at the moment): http://shop.pure3d.de/14-real-time-furniture



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