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Leadwerks Articles




The articles database makes a triumphant return with a beautiful new template:



The front page shows the most recent articles. Clicking on a category on the right gives you the entire list of articles for that category:



The new template I designed will help organize and present articles better. There's some great content written by the community, but I haven't provided a very clear specification for the articles section until now. Here are some things you can do to improve the appearance of your articles:


You can separate your article's contents into pages with the "page" tag:


If your article uses a YouTube video, you can submit up to three YouTube video IDs. These will be displayed in the upper-right hand corner of the first page of your article, as seen in this article:



You can add a 160x120 JPG image to your article, and it will be displayed in the article lists. Do not add PNG images or your own icons, as they will make the page look inconsistent. Just use screenshots from the contents of your article:



The articles section is not a place for code snippets or downloadable tutorials. These items can be posted in the Leadwerks Asset Store "Code" and "Tutorials" sections:



Do not link to other articles, external images, or anything else in your tutorial. Many links eventually become broken with time. We want to minimize maintenance demands.


I'm also running Google ads on the articles and video pages, mostly just as an experiment. I feel like these are sections that are okay to display an ad in, and hopefully the community won't find it intrusive:



If you haven't been to the videos section lately, check it out. It's looking pretty good:



Thank you in advance for your help keeping the community's content organized.



Recommended Comments

This is pretty cool.


So just a question. Would my RakNet in Leadwerks tutorials be better off in the Asset Store. They are mostly video tutorials on Youtube with downloadable examples in case the user gets lost.

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Good question. I feel like it's convenient to have your videos, files, and a short explanation all on one page, as sort of a multimedia presentation. However, it should probably be broken up into multiple articles. I think more than three video embeds on a page is too much. The formatting can also be improved a bit, if you don't mind.

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