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There sure is a lot to do around here!


-Character animation example. I want to get the soldier model up and running with basic animations so everyone can use it.

-Network improvements. I want to automate entity movement and some other features.

-Scene graph improvements and vegetation collision.

-Website and forum integration.

-Revamping some of the tutorials.


Watch the character movement in this video. I want to set up something simple like that so we can run around and have fun:


Also need to get a new public demo out, but I won't release one until ATI fixes their cubemap bug! Apparently, the report has gone to the highest levels of AMD, and it is in the process of being fixed. :)



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One thought on scene graph,


it would be nice to be able to do


ForEachEntityAABB( entityType, AABB... )


So you could give AI models or pivot etc a certain entity type and get there list efficiently (as per your previous post about Stalker AI)

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The foot placement seen there can be achieved using physics. Inverse Kinematics is physic joints. The two are the same thing. First thing is I need to get the soldier model animated.

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I will take a crack at rewriting this in C++ for Leadwerks soonish. Working on finalizing this little embedded web player demo.

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I totally agree with making vegetation collision a priority.


As for the soldier model, I suggest, similar to what Josh did with the Viper Scout, either licensing the already animated SWAT model from Dexsoft or, if that is not possible, making the SWAT model Leadwerks-ready for users to buy. This would grow the partnership between Leadwerks and Dexsoft even stronger:




The SWAT model appears to be very well animated.

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Have you asked anyone in particular to animate the soldier? I mean I can do it if you want (at least the walk/run/idle animations).

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