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Particle Update: Video Blog Style!

Chris Vossen



Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay on the particle updates, in repentance I attempted to make a videoblog...please ignore the horrible editing and narration!


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Brilliant, attractors and deflectors was one of the things I asked for when you posted for suggestions, really pleased to see this in there. Nice work Chris and cool videoblog.


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Brilliant, attractors and deflectors was one of the things I asked for when you posted for suggestions, really pleased to see this in there. Nice work Chris and cool videoblog.


it looks more like attractors and anti-attractors... not really a deflector... but maybe that aspect wasn't shown in the video. My idea of a deflector would be something like smoke going up until it hit an overhang then being deflected to move around it to maintain an upward movement. What the video appears to show is its all or nothing direction control towards or away from the attractor. But maybe Chris is sandbagging and doesn't want to show that the particles will work with multiple attractors at the same time and the effect the attractor has is based on particle proximity to it. Or something like that. Still looks great though and much better than the LE2 implementation.

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Nice work, Chris! Good to see the progress. :)

Hope to see more of this sooon.

Quick question...will we be able to create our particles visually? :)?



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Nice work!

The whole particle thing is going to be great.

I really like it smile.png

Hope to see the final thing myself and have a chance to play with it soon.

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@Maccklebee ... hard to say from the example in the video but yes; the example you give would be a typical use of a deflector.


I'm assuming at this point that combinations of multiple attractors/deflectors would allow this type of behaviour.

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So the video only showcased the Attractor class and the manipulation of its "force" member (when positive it attracts, negative repels). Particles will work with multiple attractors, I really should have showed that off.


As for deflectors, the description of the smoke under an overhang would be a good example of physics based particles. Which sadly are not implemented as of yet but I will look into it.


@ChrisV: The particle system and attractors will be in the editor and will appear in the viewport. (I'm not sure if this answers your question...)

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