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January 25, 2010




The networking code is pretty much done, but I don't think it's quite ready to release. We're redesigning the site to integrate the forum and community features together with the whole site, and an official documentation section is being created. In the meantime, I am going to start the model editor. This will be an app to replace the "Model Viewer" which will allow viewing and resaving of .gmf files. It will also include some editing features so you can adjust some of your meshes that might not have been converted or exported successfully. I'm planning for the app to be both integrated into the main editor, and compiled as a standalone app, the same way the script editor is. I'm also kicking around an idea for a GUI system.



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Wow, great news on the model editor. Won't be playing much with it for a while, but still, it's nice to know.

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Guest Red Ocktober


while an enhanced model editor would be great, i think that it might be allowed to sit on the backburner while things that would make LW game-maker ready should be focused on....


LW is now at the point where it could be used for a substantial 3D game... except for a few 'small' things... things like:


real displaced ocean waves being put back into the mix...


the macintosh version... that should be doable at this stage...


also... some canned, premade, pre scripted fundamental gaming functionality... like decals for bullet holes also being put back in... (though these probably could best come from the community)...


in short... we got the lua scripting and the great graphics... now if we could get LW back to where it was back around 2.2 or 2.3...


the best advertising for LW would be a game like Penumbra released in LW... or a really neat submarine or naval simulation ;););)




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sounds like a great plan..


One question.


there has not been an import on any GMF files that I have found for editing the models. This allowed for not being able to modfiy the GMF's. There will not be an "export" right?


None-the-less great idea Josh.


one the GUI system. I believe a GUI editor would be great. This would allow your artist's in the community to place good looking GUI's into their levels, and bring LE up to par with some of the good engine's out there with their workflow. ;)

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"reMeshing" complex models to its primitive(s) for physics (boundingBox) is something i have to do atm. -> in Ultimate Unwrap3D Pro i have to "break" the models into parts before i can convert them to its bbox or bsphere.

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One of the most frequent requests I consistently hear is that people want a visual interface for everything. I personally don't think stuff like that adds much value to the engine, but all the artists feel otherwise. Sometimes you have to deliver what the market wants, not what you feel like doing. It won't take too long to do, and it does make the editor feel a lot nicer.

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+1 for adding all the tools into the editor. I do not want to have to go back and forth between 20 programs. I want to build materials, edit scripts, generate physics objects, etc inside the editor. This is why people use Unreal.

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