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  1. Today
  2. Convert .gbl model to .mdl - Material.mat appears without textures, Expected result - material with probably model name (few models could be in same folder so "Material" is not an option) with textures. Current workaround is generating textures from .glb, making a .mat and applying it for .mdl
  3. Some neighborhoods just don't enforce those HOA rules hard enough. I mean... come on... really ? Even the raccoon don't know where to start.
  4. Yesterday
  5. I made some modifications to your volumetric lighting shader. I am not sure what this line does, but I commented it out: //if(extras.texturescale.y < 0.000001 && lighttype != LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL) // return vec3(0.0); And then anywhere the dot product is used to discard lighting, you want to comment that out, because each light sample in the air does not have a normal. float dp = dot(lightDir, normal); //if (dp > 0.0f) return vec3(0.0); You probably don't need to use the more expensive 3x3 shadow sampling that shadowSample() performs, so just calling texture() is probably fine, and will be much faster. //attenuation *= shadowSample(sampler2DArrayShadow(WorldShadowMapHandle), shadowCoord).r; attenuation *= texture(sampler2DShadow(shadowmap), shadowCoord).r; Decals in 0.9.7 are implemented as lights, so detect those and discard: const int falloffmode = ((lightflags & ENTITYFLAGS_LIGHT_LINEARFALLOFF) != 0) ? LIGHTFALLOFF_LINEAR : LIGHTFALLOFF_INVERSESQUARE; if ((lightflags & ENTITYFLAGS_LIGHT_STRIP) != 0) lighttype = LIGHT_STRIP; // This needs to come first because the flag is a combination of others else if ((lightflags & ENTITYFLAGS_LIGHT_BOX) != 0) lighttype = LIGHT_BOX; else if ((lightflags & ENTITYFLAGS_LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL) != 0) lighttype = LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL; else if ((lightflags & ENTITYFLAGS_LIGHT_SPOT) != 0) lighttype = LIGHT_SPOT; else if ((lightflags & ENTITYFLAGS_LIGHT_DECAL) != 0) lighttype = LIGHT_DECAL; else if ((lightflags & ENTITYFLAGS_LIGHT_PROBE) != 0) lighttype = LIGHT_PROBE; else lighttype = LIGHT_POINT; if (lighttype == LIGHT_DECAL) return vec3(0); I have made other changes to this code, as I was testing it, and I turned the intensity way up in order to better see the effect: KL_VolumetricLighting.frag I was also able to lower the buffer size to 0.125 and it still looked good to my eyes. This is a very nice effect! Thank you for creating this and releasing it to the community.
  6. Alienhead


    I've recently started getting more into Ultras' Physics routines but I found myself stumped on setting Mass. If I recall in Leadwerks, the smaller the mass value the lighter the object was.. So if I had a box set at Mass == 1 and a player model set at mass == 20 Then one expects the player being able to push the box out of the way when he walked into it. And in Leadwerks this worked fine. Now in Ultra things don't see to work this way. No matter what I set the mass to on either object I get the exact same outcome. I can set the box to mass 1 and the player to mass 100 and still the box will not budge when I walk into it. Does Ultra handle this differently?, If so how? Or is this a bug? I don't know what to report here in fear that I may be doing it wrong in Ultra.
  7. In LUA, not sure if it's the same with C++, but using the command crashes the app to desktop with no error or debug info. Help!! we need this command badly since theres no other method for clipping a distance model from view.
  8. Alienhead


    Post effect is effecting Transparent objects, it should not.. These object appear BLACK with transparent and ssao on.
  9. Yah I guess this is a josh thing, any form of using SetViewRange crashes my code. No range setter in the editor either, so only way to do any distance culling is to manually check the distance and hide on my own.. Dang I hate that. Seems like a huge waste of processing but I have stuff int he far distance that needs clipped. Thanks anyways !
  10. In C++ SetViewRange(const int range, const bool recursive=false). So you can try Entity:SetViewRange(number, true), but it might be not being binded as well
  11. What is the parameters for this command ? It's not documented yet and calling Entity:SetViewRange(number) crashes the application with no error code or debug output.
  12. SetViewRange is not documented. Justa reminder.
  13. Last week
  14. This is actually a demo map I'm designing to work with my new quadruped player controller. It's really super low poly, I'm getting over 300fps on the map alone with some game code installed already. It's all texture work to be honest. The last shot has bloom and tone-mapping on it, I really don't like it because it hides the cleanness of the map in my opinion. As shown:
  15. How? What? How do you do this? They look so good!
  16. I've been toying with lately ... Experimenting with ULTRA-low poly scenes - trying to make them look near - next - gen .. lol
  17. Alienhead


    The proof is in the polys !
  18. Alienhead


    Extremely low poly scene optimized to look like it is much more. 2/2
  19. Alienhead


    Extremely low poly scene optimized to look like it is much more. 1/2
  20. Will we also be able to customize the quality/size (and distance) of each cascade, at some point in time?
  21. I am adding this to Lua now. The command will be DirectionalLight:SetShadowCascadeDistance(number)
  22. How to set the cascade distance in code ? ( LUA ) .
  23. Ok I exported it as a JPEG by accident. Made it a PNG and it works. Awesome!
  24. Josh, can you please provide some more info on how this can be done? I need this too. I did try doing this in GIMP with a alpha channel and mask, then played around with the material settings but couldn't get it to work.
  25. You're very welcome! Happy New Year Everyone! To kick off 2025, I've created and uploaded a couple of brand new music tracks, 100% free to use in your projects, as always, with attribution. They are: On my Dark/Ominous 2 page: "BUMP IN THE NIGHT" – As in “things that go bump in the night.” Muah hah hahhh! https://soundimage.org/dark-ominous-2/ On my Funny 8 page: "ROCKIN’ MONSTER BEACH PARTY" – (Looping) – Monsters love surfing too…especially when they’re drunk…rock on! https://soundimage.org/funny-8/ Enjoy and have a safe holiday! :-)
  26. Dreikblack, большое спасибо. После конвертации в формат .mdl всё хорошо получилось. Josh, просто мой комментарий касался непосредственно этого видео, т.к. по нему я изучал движок и делал то же самое. Видимо действительно информация на данном видео устарела. Мой вопрос снят, спасибо за помощь. ---------------------------------------------------- Dreikblack, thank so much. After converting to the .mdl format, everything turned out well. Josh, it's just that my comment was directly related to this video, because I studied the engine from it and did the same thing. Apparently, the information in this video is really outdated. My question is removed, thanks for the help.
  27. Надо сначала конвертировать модель в .mdl формат, чтобы коллайдер сохранить - видео устарело немного. Можно это сделать либо через Save As, либо через меню на правую кнопку мыши по модели во вкладке Project, где файлы проекта.
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