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11 files

  1. Localization Editor

    Localization Editor is a tool for creating and editing localization/language files which your game or application can use to support several languages.
    Git Hub repository: https://github.com/Dreikblack/Localization-Editor
    Localization Editor loads all .local files in folder when you open or create one. You can use names like map1.English.local and then only map1 files will be loaded for editing. .local format is pretty simple:  
    \n used for multi lines texts, but in this tool you can just tap Enter to make a new line. Double click on table string line to open edit string line dialog. Find specific line quickly by typing a characters that key contains in the filter field, cross button to show all lines You can switch between loaded language localizations with combo box next to "Current Localization" label. Once you done remember to save changes to localization files with "Save All" button Parsing a local file in a code:
    auto stream = ReadFile(path); if (!stream) { return newLocalMap; } WString text = stream->ReadWString(); //map key-content std::map<WString, WString> newLocalMap; vector<WString> textStrings = text.Split("\r\n"); for (WString line : textStrings) { vector<WString> entitiyProperties = line.Split("="); if (entitiyProperties.size() > 1) { WString newLine = entitiyProperties[1].Replace("\\n", "\n"); newLocalMap[entitiyProperties[0]] = newLine; } else { newLocalMap[entitiyProperties[0]] = ""; } } stream->Close();  


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  2. glTF Validator

    Tool to validate glTF assets, also available online here:
    Command Line Tool Usage
    Usage: gltf_validator [<options>] <input> Validation report will be written to `<asset_filename>.report.json`. If <input> is a directory, validation reports will be recursively created for each *.gltf or *.glb asset. Validation log will be printed to stderr. Shell return code will be non-zero if at least one error was found. -o, --[no-]stdout Print JSON report to stdout instead of writing it to a file. This option cannot be used with directory input. -r, --[no-]validate-resources Validate contents of embedded and/or referenced resources (buffers, images). (defaults to on) -t, --[no-]write-timestamp Write UTC timestamp to the validation report. -p, --[no-]absolute-path Write absolute asset path to the validation report. -m, --[no-]messages Print issue messages to stderr. Otherwise, only total number of issues will be printed. -a, --[no-]all Print all issue messages to stderr. Otherwise, only errors will be printed. Implies --messages. -c, --config YAML configuration file with validation options. See docs/config-example.yaml for details. -h, --threads The number of threads for directory validation. Set to 0 (default) for auto selection.  


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  3. Developer Materials

    This package includes development textures and materials in various colors. 
    This restores grid01, grid02, wall01 and wall02 that were cut from 0.9.8 without the normal map. All these materials use the Lambertian shader so that they always remain and flat basic.  Standard measurements for door, window and stair sizes are also included.


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  4. ArmorPaint Export Preset for Ultra Engine

    This export preset is for easily exporting materials painted using ArmorPaint for Ultra Engine. The diffuse color, normal will be exported and the ORM texture will have the masks in the correct channel.
    The only thing this doesn't support is emission textures.
    To install, place the ultra.json file in your data\export_presets directory of your ArmorPaint installation. If you're running ArmorPaint on macOS, you'll need to open the ArmorPaint application as a folder and insert the file within that. (Importing presets on macOS crashes the application.)


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  5. Component Preprocessor

    The new Preprocessor for the Ultra Engine entity component system. This will remove the need to ever edit ComponentSystem.h ever again to register new components for C++ projects. 
    Install the executable to the Tools folder of your Ultra Engine installation. Then simply call the Executable in your Pre-Build Event and the tool will generate a RegisterComponents.h file within your Source directory. This assumes you are making one component per file and the name of the class matches the header file. A blank JSON file for the editor will be generated if none exists. 
    By default, this assumes it's in the same location as your solution. To set the working directory, use *+project* to set the location.
    "%ULTRAENGINE%\Tools\Preprocessor.exe" +project "path/to/project"


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  6. The "None" Language Template

    This folder will allow you to create new projects without a need of choosing a language. This is useful for art projects, 
    You can also edit the "language" keyvalue of your project's Ultra.json file to "None" from the previous language being used. This will allow you to still update your project to get the latest shaders without pulling any template source code. This is great for existing projects or projects that use multiple languages. 
    Install the "None" folder to your %ULTRAENGINE%/Templates/Languages path.


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  7. Visual Studio Item Template: Components

    This item template for Visual Studio will make it easier to add a new component to your project. 
    Place the zip file (Don't extract) to: USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2022\Templates\ItemTemplates\Visual C++ and restart Visual Studio.


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  8. Visual Studio Item Template: Objects

    This item template for Visual Studio will make it easier to add a new object to your project. 
    Place the zip file (Don't extract) to: USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2022\Templates\ItemTemplates\Visual C++ and restart Visual Studio.


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  9. Unwrap 3D export plugins

    This Unwrap3D plugin will provide export support for Ultra and Leadwerks MDL format.


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  10. Blender 4.0 Addon : MDL 3.0 Exporter

    To Install:
    Extract the downloaded zip file and move/copy the folder "io_mesh_ultra" to Blender 4.0's addon folder.  ("Blender/4.0/scripts/addons") Launch Blender and navigate to "Edit->Preferences" Click the add-ons tab look for Import-Export: Ultra Engine MDL and enable it To discuss bugs and further development please comment on the forum here : 
    These are the current default settings:

    Export Position False (Default) - will not export the objects position.  This will be exported as 0,0,0 True - will export position Use Object Name False (Default) - Uses the file name written in the file save dialog to name the exported MDL file True - Uses the object name in blender as the MDL file name Export LODS True (Default) - will search the scene (selected objects or not) for any LOD objects E.g.  If you select a model named "Cube", it will search for and export objects that are named; "Cube_LOD1" "Cube_LOD2" etc... False - Does not export LODS Export Collider True (Default) - Searches the scene for an object with a suffix of _PHY E.g.  If you select a model named "Cube", it will search for an object named "Cube_PHY" and export that mesh as a collider file.  (Embedded colliders coming soon) False - Does not export Collider Convert Textures This is a WIP.  It should work, but it is slow sometimes depending on how many and how large your textures are.  So if blender hangs and goes non responsive for a few minutes that could be why. False (Default) - will copy textures that the blender materials use to the target directory where you have specified to save the MDL file too. True - Will first convert any non DDS files to DDS with the correct compression, saving them in the same folder as the source image, before then copying the new DDS file over to the target directory where you have specified to save the MDL file too. All DDS file are renamed to the material name appended with the appropriate slot name E.g. If the material name is "Cube" Diffuse textures will be named "Cube_DIFF.dds" Normal textures will be named "Cube_NORM.dds" Ambient occlusion, roughness and metalness maps will be combined into one DDS file name "Cube_AO_ROUGH_METAL.dds" Ultimate the only object you need to select when exporting is the root object.  E.g. the LOD0 object.  Doesn't currently work if the root object is named LOD0 though.  Has to be "Cube" not "Cube_LOD0".  I can add support for this if it's needed.
    You can also batch export be default.  All you need to do is select all the root objects that you want to export and it will export them all to the same folder.  Best to set "Use Object Name" to true when batch exporting other wise the file names will conflict and each selected object will just overwrite the previous one.
    Materials are exported to the same directory as the specified MDL path.  Here is the only node setup that will be able to collect and export the textures.  Please excuse the low resolution image - not sure how I can get blender to render to an image larger than the screen!  I'll add some better images later.
    You don't need all of these images loaded to export the material correctly.  From top to bottom on the left hand side, DIFFUSE, AO, METAL, ROUGH & NORM.


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  11. Blender 4.0 Addon : Mesh Collider Exporter

    Here's a little addon for Blender 4.0 that will export any selected object as a MESH collider for use in Ultra.  It may work with other versions of blender but I've not tested it.
    There are no options for the export process.  By default Z is up in Blender so upon export the vertex y and z positions are swapped so that Y is up in Ultra.  I could probably add an option to toggle this if it's needed.
    Any suggestions for improvements are welcome!
    To Install:
    Extract the downloaded zip file and move/copy the folder "io_mesh_collider" to Blender 4.0's addon folder.  ("Blender/4.0/scripts/addons") Launch Blender and navigate to "Edit->Preferences" Click the add-ons tab look for Import-Export: Ultra Engine Collider and enable it  


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