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Blender 4.0 Addon : Mesh Collider Exporter

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About This File


Here's a little addon for Blender 4.0 that will export any selected object as a MESH collider for use in Ultra.  It may work with other versions of blender but I've not tested it.

There are no options for the export process.  By default Z is up in Blender so upon export the vertex y and z positions are swapped so that Y is up in Ultra.  I could probably add an option to toggle this if it's needed.

Any suggestions for improvements are welcome!

To Install:

  1. Extract the downloaded zip file and move/copy the folder "io_mesh_collider" to Blender 4.0's addon folder.  ("Blender/4.0/scripts/addons")
  2. Launch Blender and navigate to "Edit->Preferences"
  3. Click the add-ons tab look for Import-Export: Ultra Engine Collider and enable it


What's New in Version 06/25/2024 04:35 PM   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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