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  1. I think it might work right now if you just do this: function thing:DisableUpdate() self.temp = self.Update self.Update = nil end function thing:EnableUpdate() if self.temp ~= nil then self.Update = self.temp end end
  2. This is something I have considered. Something like Entity::SetUpdateRange(), and you would need another command to indicate where the "center" of the update region is. It can't just be the camera position, because multiple cameras are supported.
  3. You gained a big increase in loading speed by using DDS textures instead of image files. The best way forward is to analyze what takes the majority of loading time and how that can be optimized, not to start with an overly complicated solution we don't know will help. Do you have a scene that takes too long to load? What is the loading speed, in release and debug builds?
  4. I found a situation where it is possible for the terrain to cause a crash in its interaction with the navmesh system. This bug has probably been around for a long time. Will be fixed in tomorrow's build.
  5. 0.9.9 The right-most toolbar buttons will be pixel-perfect lines now. Looks great on a 4K screen.
  6. 0.9.9 The user interface is losing its coherence due to the prevelence of colored icons, many of which are introducing a lot of inconsistency into the color scheme, so I am removing some unnexessary icons and reducing color in some places. However, during this phase I did discover that using object thumbnails and tool icons in the main menu looks awesome. I have a better idea now of how and when I want to use color. As a general rule, I want color to be associated with 3D objects in the map. The scene browser is now using a yellow group / folder icon, and the topmost icon is using a lot of primary colors, which gives it a strong Lego-ish feel, and the objects that appear in the scene browser are using icons that closely match the object thumbnail in the drop-down object selector. Entities in the 3D scene are using the same colored icon, so it is easier to recognize which type of object is which. Monochrome outline icons are still used in the proporties editor, which feels right to me. I experimented with displaying tools as a column of buttons in the left sidebar, but the initial results didn't look good. I may revisit this again, but for now the left sidebar is removed, since its purpose doesn't really justify its presence.
  7. This is not what the unmanaged flag does! Entities get inserted into the scene octree, entities interact with lights, entities get inserted into global lists, commands get sent to command buffer queues for the various threads. There is a ton of stuff going on behind the scenes at all times.
  8. Normally when an asset is loaded, if another copy of the same asset has been loaded, either the same object or a copy of the object will be returned, depending on what type of item it is. The UNMANAGED flag will override the default behavior and always load a new unique copy of the item from the file system. If two threads happen to write to the same variable at the same time, or one is writing while the other is reading, you will get unpredictable results because that variable could become any value. The UNMANAGED flag does not make code thread-safe.
  9. This will definitely cause crashes, even if it isn't crashing on your computer right now.
  10. I will probably be able to get this in soon, but this is not a bug. All other issues are resolved, I think.
  11. Okay, if you delete your setting.json file, it should be impossible to produce the error you reported now, if you have editor build 2301 on Steam.
  12. And when you start the editor, it starts with the main window with four viewports, with your last project loaded?
  13. I uploaded a fix that will eliminate the missing file errors, which were caused by a world render that was being performed before any project was loaded, on the Steam version only. The first time you start the editor it will open in the project manager, with no projects listed. Once you have created and loaded a project, when you start the editor again, it will start in the last project you had open, with the full window and four viewports. Some of your descriptions make it sound like the settings file is not being saved, the the editor starts in the project manager each run. Is this happening?
  14. I am getting the same result if I delete the settings file before I start the program, and am creating a new project. It is strange that you keep seeing this, though. It sounds like maybe the settings are not being saved. Does the file C:\ProgramData\Leadwerks\settings.json exist on your computer?
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