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Everything posted by Josh

  1. I noticed the same thing but did not say anything yet. I like the horizontal velocity retention because in most cases it makes collision on walls very smooth as you are running along. However, there is this unintended behavior that probably needs adjusting. I need to think about this to see how exactly the behavior should be defined.
  2. Really? Leadwerks did this? If your program is evaluating events for input then you could just call EmitEvent to fake an event. However, this would not work with KeyDown, KeyHit, etc.
  3. The only immediate fix is to add the --binary switch to the command line in line 10 of FBX2glTF.lua: local arguments = "--binary -i \""..path.."\" -o \""..output.."\"" This will save the file as a .glb with bin and textures packed into a single file. Reported this issue to Facebook here: https://github.com/facebookincubator/FBX2glTF/issues/304
  4. So the Facebook FBX to glTF converter does this, right? I don't see any CLI switches to change it: https://github.com/facebookincubator/FBX2glTF
  5. Oh, I bet I know what is happening... Both these files are using "buffer.bin": { "asset": { "generator": "FBX2glTF v0.9.7", "version": "2.0" }, "scene": 0, "buffers": [ { "byteLength": 32208, "uri": "buffer.bin" } ], And: { "asset": { "generator": "FBX2glTF v0.9.7", "version": "2.0" }, "scene": 0, "buffers": [ { "byteLength": 34608, "uri": "buffer.bin" } ], Usually the bin file is named the same as the glTF, but your exporter is just saving it as "buffer.bin" for every file, overwriting the bin file used by other glTF files you export. So the editor is correctly reporting an error in the format because the data being read does not match one of the glTF files. You can either change this setting in your glTF exporter, or save each glTF file into a separate subfolder.
  6. What you can do is open the model in the asset editor, then select the File > Save As option and save a glTF to the desktop or in another folder somewhere, then zip those files up.
  7. I cannot load these files because the associated .bin file and textures are missing.
  8. Added a sort of abstract crate model to the default template and start map, courtesy of @reepblue FBX to glTF converter now save as .glb to prevent this issue.
  9. Okay, this points to a design issue in the workflow that is a little awkward. During testing we found it was very easy to accidentally create objects, especially in the 3D viewport. One of the solutions to this was that brushes don't start drawing until you mouse has travelled some distance when you hold the button down and drag. For the face, vertex, and terrain mouse tools I disabled object creation entirely. The last thing you want is to accidentally create an extra terrain when you are sculpting. I think there probably needs to be an extra step n the object creation process where you have to press enter or right-click and select a "Create" menu item from a popup menu before an object will be created. Then all the mouse tools could support object creation without problems. For now, create your terrain first, then switch to the terrain mouse tool and start editing.
  10. Added build numbers in the editor, will appear in the splash screen and about window next to the version.
  11. I found an EXE-free way to increment build numbers, so in the future we can be sure we are using the same EXE: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59692711/auto-increment-fileversion-build-nr-in-visual-studio-2019
  12. I can't produce the deletion error. If this is in an existing map, the root model might have the "islimb" property set to true, which would cause the error. I tried converting textures to both DDS and Basis and had no issues using this model: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models/tree/master/2.0/DamagedHelmet/glTF
  13. You must select a terrain before its properties will appear. Slight difference from Leadwerks. You can have multiple terrains, and they can be positioned around like any other entity.
  14. Fixed bug where selecting objects in the map browser tree would not correctly update their selection bounding box or mouse tool gizmo.
  15. The zip file above only includes one file, an .ultra map file. I will need the glTF files in order to investigate this (along with their .bin files and textures)
  16. Thank you. This indicates there may be an error in a glTF file, or in my loader. I will investigate...
  17. I would love to be able to use this as a command-line tool and just give it a folder to convert all the HDRIs it finds.
  18. Client build 24 is now available, same link as before: https://www.ultraengine.com/files/UltraClient.exe This will fix some small problems: Crash at start that requires deletion of ProgramData/Ultra Engine folder. Crash if no internet access is available. The build number appears at the bottom-left:
  19. Please let me know if you are able to reliably produce this error.
  20. Fixed bug where "Convert textures to DDS" was failing to save DDS textures because of an incorrect mipmap chain. Fixed model deletion bug in editor.
  21. I am pleased this worked perfectly. Just place this Lua file somewhere in Ultra Engine/Scripts/Start: local extension = {} function extension.NukeDir(path, extension) local files = LoadDir(path) for n = 1, #files do local filepath = path.."/"..files[n] if FileType(filepath) == 2 then extension.NukeDir(filepath, extension) else DeleteFile(filepath) end end DeleteDir(path) end function extension.hook(event, extension) if event.id == EVENT_WIDGETACTION then if event.source == extension.menuitem then local path = GetPath(PATH_PROGRAMDATA).."/Ultra Engine/Thumbnails" if FileType(path) == 2 then extension.NukeDir(path, extension) end Print("Thumbnail cache cleared.") return false end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add menu item -------------------------------------------------------------------- local menu = program.menu:FindChild("Scripting", false) if menu == nil then Print("Error: Could not find \"Scripting\" menu.") return end local submenu = menu:FindChild("Utilities", false) if submenu == nil then submenu = CreateMenu("Utilities", menu) end extension.menuitem = CreateMenu("Clear thumbnail cache", submenu) ListenEvent(EVENT_WIDGETACTION, extension.menuitem, extension.hook, extension)
  22. Do you know what file is causing this?
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