First pass at showing the grid on brushes. I'll add an option to turn it off, and maybe turn down the contrast a bit. I also tried showing it on terrain and models, but it really only made sense on brushes.
Terrain API is changed a bit. Call AddLayer and SetLayerWeight instead of SetMaterial.
The way post-effect parameters work is changed and the limit is raised to 64 float values (four 4x4 matrices). In a shader, call ExtractPostEffectParameters(n), where n is a number from 0 to 3. This will return a 4x4 matrix storing 16 float values. All values will be 0.0 until they are set programmatically. The PostEffectParameterN variables are still in the shaders, but won't work anymore. So if you wanted to get the first to values it would be like this:
mat4 params = ExtractPostEffectParameters(0);
float val0 = params[0][0];
int val1 = floatBitsToInt(params[0][1]);