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Everything posted by Josh

  1. It searches for each entity by UUID and reloads its state. It's okay for there to be different entities or entities missing.
  2. The pre-order that is available on this site is just a pre-order. It means you will get your product once it is released. The non-Steam version will be released before the Steam version.
  3. I agree with these recommendations. If the range of allowed values is 0 / 1 or -1 / 1 then it makes sense to move in small increments. However, for the other values it does not make sense to me, and moving in really small increments seems like it would be annoying. The spinner supports any double float values you type in, so even if the spinner increments are 1.0, you can still type in exact small numbers like 0.125.
  4. It looks like ffmpeg is probably the easiest way to achieve this. Exact audio: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9913032/how-can-i-extract-audio-from-video-with-ffmpeg Extract frames: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10957412/fastest-way-to-extract-frames-using-ffmpeg I think that's pretty much it. All that's needed is to wrap it up in some nice easy to use commands.
  5. The design I've been using for both maps and colliders is a JSON string, and then if there is any binary data, this is followed by a null character, and then the bin data. If there is no binary data then the file is just a normal JSON file. This is very simple, and I figure some tool or plugin will arise that allows editing of the JSON text info without destroying the binary data. If the size of the JSON string changes, that's okay because all the offsets that point to the binary data are counted from the start of the data. The Map:Reload() method is changed to only use one stream, and the example below is now using a file: https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/Map_Reload?lang=cpp The update is available now and I have tested it.
  6. Looks like the uploads got cut off. I reuploaded them now and tested it.
  7. Not yet but I am open to adding this in the future.
  8. As for the save-to-file issue, I need to decide what I am trying to do here. My first implementation of the Ultra map format used an accompanying .bin file like glTF does, but after seeing how often people send glTF files and forget the .bin file I decided that was a bad idea.
  9. I can confirm the way components are being saved in the built-in save routine was incorrect. They are not supposed to be stored in the "extras" field...
  10. Preview app process can hang. Thumbnails not generating. Thumbnails not being recreated when file is newer than thumbnail file.
  11. Editor seems to be loading Leadwerks maps with correct texcoords now. Issue is resolved I think.
  12. Updated Lua template executables.
  13. Updated editor and C++ library with changed brush texture mapping calculations, other recent changes.
  14. Just call entity:Release(): https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Release
  15. I changed the way brush texture scaling works. When using the programming API the value set in Face::SetTextureMappingScale is now in units of texels per meter, with a default value of 400. The brush texture mapping scale in the program options does two things: Defines the default scale a new brush's faces uses when it is created. Changing this setting does not change the texture mapping of existing brushes. Provides a conversion factor that is used in the face properties interface, because values like 1.0 and 2.0 are more intuitive than 400 and 800. The engine library has not been updated with this change yet. Some changes will still be needed to retain correct texcoords with Leadwerks maps. All existing Ultra maps will have wrong texture coordinates, but you can reset them by selecting all faces and setting their mapping scale to 1,1. The align buttons are probably wrong now. seems these are fine This resolves the problem of using two scale values and puts everything on the right track, while still allowing a user-defined default texel density.
  16. I did some additional work to fix the increments on some spinners. Let me know if you spot anything else that is awkward.
  17. I know this is for Leadwerks, but in the future Ultra can do this very easily with this command: https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/ListenEvent?lang=lua
  18. Do you just need to parent an entity to another?
  19. I think the brush texture scale isn't actually getting saved in the map file, though.
  20. In Options > General "Brush Textures per meter" should be set to 400. 400 texels / meter = 1024 texels / 2.56 meters
  21. Here are some AI-generated textures I retrieved using the built-in text to image generation feature. They're not bad and could be used to build a lot of base textures with. Use them however you want. OpenAI.zip
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