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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Uploaded and tested, it works now.
  2. Fixed, I think. You need to update your project to get the new shader files.
  3. The second UV set was not being copied into the mesh data.
  4. Sorry, I think the upload got cut off. I uploaded it again, should work now.
  5. Your problem might just be that the background is too light. I worked with this a lot in developing the contrast levels for the default UI color scheme. There's not a lot of range before text gets hard to read against the background.
  6. I'm putting it into the EngineSettings structure.
  7. It looks like branches and leaves are two separate children: int l = 0; for (int n = 0; n < model->kids.size(); ++n) { for (auto lod : model->kids[n]->As<Model>()->lods) { auto m = 0; for (auto mesh : lod->meshes) { Notify("lod : " + String(l) + ", mesh : " + String(m), ""); m++; } l++; } }
  8. I think some of your faces are flipped inwards and if you make them all point outwards you won't get the overlapping faces that cause some areas to be darker.
  9. 1.0.3 Added Initialize() function and EngineSettings structure. Shaders must be recompiled with correct array sizes if these values are changed, and I don't think they all work yet, so I really wouldn't mess with it. I also don't know which arrays get resized and which do not. Removed AsyncRender(). Use EngineSettings.asyncrender = false and call Initialize() instead.
  10. When I ran your code I did not see any visible object.
  11. If you are using transparency, I am thinking the darker surface may just be due to the ordering of the polygons. Maybe if you enable backface culling and make all the faces pointing out, you won't have overlapping polygons.
  12. I just told you the current amounts.
  13. Currently, there are these constants set: const int maxobjects = 65536; const int MaxVertices = 1000000; const int MaxIndices = 100000; const int MaxIndirectDraws = 1024; const int MaxMaterials = 256; const int MaxSkeletons = 1024; The vertex and indice count seems a bit low. I plan to add an Initialize() function that will let you define these caps in a structure. Some of them require you to recompile shaders so the array sizes match. Max entities will stay at 65536 because the engine uses two bytes to refer to the index. This does make a difference in speed because bandwidth is a big bottleneck I try to minimize A specialized vegetation system can be used in the future to add more. Some of the maps in Leadwerks had several million trees.
  14. 1.0.3 Ambient light and distance fog are now accounted for in GI lighting calculation. I tried some maps from Cyclone and got a pretty seamless match between SSR and environment probes.
  15. Your code should handle the case whdd Ed n it returns -1. Pivots and as my other nonvvisible will return -1
  16. it won’t change once it is assigned but it may not be assigned right away.
  17. 1.0.3 Added Entity::GetIndex(). This should ONLY be called from the rendering thread (in a RENDER or TRANSFER hook).
  18. 1.0.3 Just noticed "Tools > Build GLobal Illumination" was missing in the editor menu. This is rather important.
  19. 1.0.3 Shader family files now use extension .fam. Material files now store shader family file paths, relative to the material or to the project. Material editor is not updated yet to support this correctly. Post-processing effect files now use extension .fx and are moved to the Shaders directory. Material textures are now stored with paths relative to the material file (prefixed with ./) or relative to the project.
  20. Josh

    C++ & LUA

    In Leadwerks, use tolua++: https://github.com/LuaDist/toluapp Ultra uses sol3, which is much easier and better: https://github.com/ThePhD/sol2
  21. This should do it: "backfaceculling": false
  22. 1.0.3 Added screen-space reflection integrated into the basic lighting. Call Camera::SetSSR(true) or enable it in the editor viewport options. Removed SSR post-processing effect. Changed syntax of CreateMeshCollider. Design of push constants block in GLSL totally revised.
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