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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Yeah, and then there is the issue of ordering of multiple objects that both have depth testing disabled...the second camera is more versatile anyways.
  2. It's not enough just to disable depth testing. You have to render that object last, which means it needs to appear after all transparent objects. But then transparency has two render paths, once for conventional transparency, another for transparency with refraction. So I just haven't bothered trying to work that all out, and I'm not sure it's even worthwhile when a second camera works perfectly.
  3. I've had some trouble disabling depth testing. Not sure what is going on. I ended up using a second camera and rendering that on top of the scene, and had much better results with this.
  4. This is fixed in today's update. CreateMeshCollider arguments have changed. You can either input a triangle or quad mesh, or a vector-of-vectors of Vec3s. The first is the simple usage, the second one handles faces with any number of edges, and different numbers of edges for each face.
  5. Did you open this in the model viewer? Maybe there is an extra node in the hierarchy?
  6. I still don't know what your distance from the origin is, but it does look like floating point imprecision.
  7. You might be able to store your data in a texture, and then use the vertex ID as the lookup to get the extra data you want to retrieve.
  8. They get converted into a quaternion so they can be stored in four bytes. I got the idea from Crytek.
  9. Why not just call UpdateTangents to calculate them?
  10. Vertex colors only work with non-skinned meshes because they are stored in the bone indices slot (or bone weights, I don't remember which). They only use one byte each and store values from 0 to 255.
  11. Josh

    C++ vs Lua

    The engine commands won't run any faster in C++ than in Lua. Physics and graphics will run at the same speed, it's just your own game code that executes faster.
  12. Josh

    SSR + environment probes

    Revisiting screens-space reflections and integrating it into the lighting pipeline, along with environment probes when screen-space information is not available.
  13. That's what a pre-order is! That email was a mistake, sorry about that.
  14. Thank you. Development is going fast but if I hit some snags I will take whatever time is needed to get it right.
  15. Keys will be sent out closer to release, but I believe you can enter them pre-release and it will just unlock when the app is published.
  16. I would love to do that someday. I like physical products.
  17. Your collection isn't really complete until you have multiple copies of each one, in my opinion.
  18. Josh

    C++ vs Lua

    In Leadwerks, C++ will probably be a bit faster. In Ultra, it probably won't make any difference because all your game logic runs on its own thread.
  19. How far away are you? It might be floating point imprecision.
  20. class ListenerComponent : public Component { virtual void Start() { ListenEvent(EVENT_NONE, NULL, ProcessEvent, Self());// don't call Self() in a constructor } bool ProcessEvent(const Event& e) { switch (e.id) { case EVENT_WINDOWCLOSe: break; } return true; } static bool callback(const Event& e, shared_ptr<Object> extra) { return extra->As<EventListener>()->ProcessEvent(e); } } auto c = entity->AddComponent<ListenerComponent>();
  21. Josh

    Environment Probes

    Nice and smooth now with several "bounces".
  22. Josh

    Environment Probes

    One light, no post effects.
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