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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Regarding the error in Gimp, for some reason most paint programs don't support modern (last 15 years) DXT compression (BC5, BC6, BC7). Visual Studio itself does have good support for DDS files.
  2. I'm thinking it might be caused by some library the engine is using not being compiled with same compiler....but that doesn't really make sense, because my own builds of the engine as an app would fail: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/837073/error-c1047-object-file-created-with-an-older-compiler-than-other-objects
  3. 1.0.3 In this build I am experimenting with getting rid of the scale gizmo. Just grab near the edge you want and start dragging. Make sure the Edit > Global Coordinates menu item is checked. Only works in 3D perspective viewport Hopefully that is intuitive. Try making some stuff and tell me what you think of this approach.
  4. 1.0.3 In this build the positioning gizmo does not appear in the 3D viewports at all. Instead, you just click on a selected object and drag the mouse to move over the XZ plane. Hold the Alt key to move the object up and down the Y axis. Let me know how this feels for you.
  5. 1.0.3 Brush drawing now works in 2D viewports.
  6. Not at this time, but... I ran into something similar with the GUI system. When things slid into view, they would appear suddenly. My solution was to always draw these objects when they are not hidden, regardless of whether they are in view or not. When it comes to a scene with a hierarchy it gets more complicated. If there was a per-entity "always draw" flag it would need to travel up the entire octree structure. I do this with some special types like lights, but it is very sensitive and errors are difficult to detect, so I am cautious to add something new there. Another option might be a fixed visibility list, where you explicitly specify a list of entities a camera draws, and it skips the entire culling process. This might be appropriate for things that are very close to the camera, like 3D interface elements and FPS weapons. Another option might be to add a padding value that artificially enlarges the camera frustum. Yet another approach is to expand the visibility bounding box of entities based on velocity! There are many ways to go about this. I prefer to let people use the system first so we can get a better understanding of what the best solution is, before I implement one of the above or something else.
  7. If you can produce a simple example please upload it and I'll take a look.
  8. Are they all using the same renderlayer / camera?
  9. 1.0.3 You can now click-drag to draw boxes in the 3D viewport! 2D drawing is not yet implemented. Scale tool now resizes the selected objects precisely along the grid size. One increment of scaling = one grid unit. Much nicer this way! Mouse tools now display some useful information in the status bar. Entity colors now using half-floats in shader data to eliminate what was some pretty big color imprecision. Requires new shaders.
  10. Oh okay, I thought you meant the blue squares. Okay, ordering and transparency is difficult for GPUs to get right. Blending can only occur on top of what has already been rendered, so the renderer orders objects from furthest to closest. If the objects overlap then you can get situations where one doesn't appear underneath another. This is a general problem that all real-time renderers have. You might get different results by enabling refraction on the camera, but this will probably always be a problem if you have overlapping transparent objects.
  11. This is what a tetrahedron is:
  12. Is the material for the yellow arrow using transparency?
  13. Disable transparency on the material used for the yellow wireframe.
  14. Josh

    3D CSG editing

    Drawing brushes in the 3D viewport. Still working out some details and trying to make something that feels intuitive and does what you expect it to do...
  15. I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to do. Are the cubes all on a flat plane? If so, it would make sense to just remove them and add a transparent blue plane where the water surface is.
  16. Is there a problem when release mode is run?
  17. Ultra only uses frustum culling. People seem to have very little tolerance for the artifacts that GPU occlusion culling involves, so in the future I am more likely to look into some type of BSP system. Why would you want to render everything in the world that is out of the camera's view?
  18. That is possible. The UI rendering in Vulkan is something I have put off because I want to work on the editor right now.
  19. You need to create the 3D camera before the UI camera, or call camera->SetOrder() to adjust the order they render in.
  20. Other than setting the light quality, you don't have that much control over directional lights. They can only cover a limited area. In Ultra I plan to have a command like Light:SetShadowDistance(range, stage) to provide more control over this.
  21. In the default main.lua script there is some code that shows stats and FPS. --Render statistics context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) if DEBUG then context:SetColor(1,0,0,1) context:DrawText("Debug Mode",2,2) context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) context:DrawStats(2,22) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) else --Toggle statistics on and off if (window:KeyHit(Key.F11)) then showstats = not showstats end if showstats then context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) context:DrawText("FPS: "..Math:Round(Time:UPS()),2,2) end end I usually use a third-party tool like FRAPS because it ensures consistency across all programs.
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