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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Josh

    Trim Painting

    Check out the detail here:
  2. Using the table of contents JSON file it would be possible for anyone to read all the MD files, and output an HTML page or pages with the entire contents. That could even be converted to a PDF. https://github.com/UltraEngine/Documentation/blob/master/toc.json https://github.com/erusev/parsedown
  3. Josh

    Trim Painting

    The concrete trim is not baked into the texture, but is just applied using material painting, with a sharp transition for the edges.
  4. Josh

    Material Painting

    Here is the unpainted scene, for comparison.
  5. Joints are not an entity and there is currently no method to create them in the editor. Listeners are not an entity in Ultra, there is just an Entity::Listen() command that makes any entity the listener. Everything else can be created in the GUI.
  6. You can save any scene in Leadwerks and Ultra as a prefab. There just needs to be a single top-level entity in the hierarchy.
  7. It looks like scene loading with lots of brushes will probably be slower than normal in this build. I need to rethink how I am handling smooth groups...
  8. 0.9.8 Full update.
  9. Josh

    Crack-free Tessellation

    Currently, it would make no difference. In the future I can add a low-res mesh collider based on the displaced geometry.
  10. 0.9.8 Bevels, smooth groups, and tessellation with brushes are just about finished now. The only thing missing is I need to add subdivision of non-quad faces to limit the maximum edge length. Bevels will override smooth groups. Each faces will use one or the other, or neither, but not both. Added a new editor mode that pops the asset browser out into the view panel. The left sidebar buttons have some wonky behavior that needs to be worked out. Don't worry about it for now.
  11. Josh

    Crack-free Tessellation

    I might actually have a way to make the edges seamless. Stay tuned...
  12. I see. This seems to happen with all glTF files exported from Mixamo. When I load the file in UU3D, it's rotated but the skinning appears okay. However, exporting both a Leadwerks model and a glTF produce skinning errors.
  13. This tutorial by @Vida Marcell might be helpful to you.
  14. 0.9.8 Brush smooth groups are now implemented, on quad faces only.
  15. We were seeing this a couple days ago because the main menu JSON file was missing.
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