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Everything posted by Josh

  1. It looks like I failed to upload the required Lua binaries in the standalone update. The editor is saving a slightly different scene file format, the previous build cannot load. Sorry for the trouble, it is updated now.
  2. You can send it in a private message if that is needed.
  3. Can you upload the model file that is causing the problem?
  4. This helps a little bit. The model file format version was incremented because some new information was added. Maybe your project does not have the current Lua binaries?
  5. Can you please upload a project I can test? I do not know of any changes that would have caused this, so I do not know where to look unless I can produce the error on my computer.
  6. It says there is an error on line 347 of uagcontroller.lua, and the "mesh" field of an object is nil.
  7. 0.9.8 More fine tuning of brush mesh generation. It's difficult stuff!
  8. 0.9.8e Modified the way displacement amplitude / texture scale is calculated. Removed mesh texture scale property. Added new tools in Model Editor tools menu. Model format updated to include vertex texture scale. Vertex layout modified. Shader update is required.
  9. Josh

    UV scale error

    Got it. I had to change the way this works a little bit...
  10. Josh

    UV scale error

    Saving this image for reference for later, good illustration of the issue.
  11. Josh

    UV scale error

    Also look into the GPU vertex data structure and the precision of UV coords.
  12. Small UV scale discrepency can form that causes a crack in tessellated surfaces. Reexamine quad generation routine to ensure there is no stretching. test2.zip
  13. Get ESCAPELAND on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2506540/ESCAPELAND/
  14. Physics debugging color not changing with active status.
  15. There is no need to set those variables to nil at all. -- drop old weps self.weplefthand = NewWepToHold1 self.weprighthand = NewWepToHold2 collectgarbage() If the old objects are not being deleted, you must have the same objects referenced somewhere else. You can call SetHidden() to hide them, if nothing else works. In Leadwerks, stuff like this could cause invalid pointer errors, which are impossible to detect and cause random memory overwrite. This was the #1 issue I saw causing problems in games made by the community.
  16. 0.9.8 Added vertex panel with setting for vertex and edge displacement modes.
  17. Per-vertex and per-edge displacement settings allow you to fine-tune displacement for tricky situations. In this case we have two beveled faces with aligned textures, so we can enable displacement on the edge to make a nice rounded corner where the material wraps around seamlessly.
  18. This page has code for executing Lua scripts from C++: https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/Scripting?lang=cpp
  19. 0.9.8 Added new menu item in model editor menu Tools > Seal Cracks (for tessellation)
  20. Josh

    Seal Mesh Cracks

    Algorithm to eliminate cracks from seams in tessellated meshes.
  21. Josh


    The command doesn't actually exist in Lua, but I added a page there anyways that explains it.
  22. Josh


    What page is this on?
  23. I made another test, but it seems to work correctly. probetest.zip
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