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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Please upload the zip file that causes this problem.
  2. You should check to make sure LoadPackage is returning a value. Right now we don't know what command is causing the problem: local p = LoadPackage("Maps.zip") if p == nil then Print("Failed to load package") else p:SetPassword("1500") end
  3. I do not know what the problem is. Your example runs perfectly, even if I put it in a folder with non-English characters.
  4. What is the full path to your project directory?
  5. Your code says this: p:SetPasworld("1500") It should be this: p:SetPassword("1500")
  6. It required a recompile, should be working now.
  7. This code works without any problem: auto p = LoadPackage("maps.zip"); p->SetPassword("1500"); auto stream = p->ReadFile("Test.ultra");
  8. Ultra uses pre-multiplied alpha blending. With regular alpha blending the surface in front can only darken the surface behind it. With pre-multiplied, it blends more accurately, and can result in a darker or lighter color.
  9. Some more info: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/issues/2411
  10. Please upload the zip file so I can test it.
  11. I tried this and it worked with no issues: Assert(FileType(GetPath(PATH_DESKTOP) + L"/Пожалуйста.zip") == 1); auto p = LoadPackage(GetPath(PATH_DESKTOP) + L"/Пожалуйста.zip"); If you are storing a path in a string and not a WString you could lose information. Please upload a zip file for me to test, or tell me what the path that is causing the problem is.
  12. Perhaps zip_open() does not support UTF8 strings...
  13. Josh

    Cube Map to PBR.

    Fixed. CubemapSampler.lua
  14. Josh

    Create Brush.

    I don't know how to make this happen.
  15. 0.9.6 Moved post-processing effects into "Effects" subfolder. This prevents a bunch of folders from appearing when you open the folder in the open folder dialog. Added Camera::SetSkybox(bool) Added Skeleton::AddHook: https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/Skeleton_AddHook
  16. I don't recommend using this approach anymore. Instead, use the "back-face lighting" option in the material editor, which will make the surface lit from behind when needed.
  17. 0.9.6 Added "back-face lighting" option in material editor, for surfaces that are thin enough for light to pass through (leaves and grass). This will flip the normal to face whatever direction a light is coming from in the light code. Should be used together with "two-sided" option. For thicker surfaces like branches, this should not be used. Model Editor "Load Collider" feature will now grab the collider from an existing model, if it exists.
  18. Josh

    Sky Box Realism

    I love it.
  19. @SpiderPig @Andy90 This is what I am planning on. Does this fit your purposes?: void Skeleton::AddHook(const int frame, void Hook(shared_ptr<Skeleton> skeleton, const int frame, shared_ptr<Object> extra), shared_ptr<Object> extra = nullptr)
  20. Camera->SetSkybox will be included in the next build.
  21. The barbarian model works perfectly if I load it in Unwrap3D and re-export it as a glTF: Technically, this is a problem in my software, but inclusion of this "feature" was the dumbest possible move Khronos could have made.
  22. Josh


    I actually did get it working pretty easily. You just install node.js and then start using the windows Command prompt to run commands. Thanks for your offer anyways
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