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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Josh

    Ship cannon


    Ship cannon
  2. 0.9.6 Added root node to scene browser. CAUTION: This update makes changes to the way maps are saved. I tested it and had no problems, but it is possible it could save your map files incorrectly. You should always be using some form of source control or backups.
  3. If you have called World::Render once, then the rendering thread will just keep rendering as the map is loading on the main thread. You can use a custom shader to display a spinning object, or wait for texture animation to be added, and you can make a circular object with a scrolling texture.
  4. Thanks for reporting this issue. This was caused by a brush optimization step that was skipping vertices if one already exists within a certain distance. The maps will load correctly in the next build on the beta branch. Can you tell me what the RTN file is? Is this a file you opened in a text editor and resaved? It does not appear to contain a valid JSON structure.
  5. This has a web API that can be used like the ambientCG integration: https://www.ultraengine.com/community/files Don't put a lot of effort into uploading content right now. Just use this to test your ideas and figure things out.
  6. A skeleton stores a stack of animations; there is no single current frame. Do you think animation hooks might be better for events?
  7. Josh

    D-21-11 Robot


    This machine boasts an automatic turret and exceptional adaptability, ready to tackle diverse battlefield demands. It is able to perform tasks from reconnaissance and surveillance to offensive and defensive operations. Beyond combat, the D-21-11 robot shines as a vital logistical asset. Its modular design allows for the seamless integration of detachable cargo units, enabling the safe and efficient delivery of ammunition and provisions to troops even in the most perilous zones.
  8. There is also a REST API for invision power board, the system this site uses: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api/index/ I unlocked the downloads system and we can test with it: https://www.ultraengine.com/community/files I created a key for testing: Please contact me if you would like to work with it. Permissions for all the GET endpoints for downloads have been enabled with this key.
  9. There is also a REST API for invision power board, the system this site uses: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api/index/ I unlocked the downloads system and we can test with it: https://www.ultraengine.com/community/files
  10. @klepto2 thinks this is being caused by NAN values outputted by the shader, which then get amplified in the bloom blur.
  11. Alpha cutoff load and save to/from glTF files is fixed, will be in next build that goes up.
  12. 0.9.6 AmbientCG integration is pretty much finished. The system will probably require some revision to work with other APIs in the future. Support for downloading masked materials and opacity maps.
  13. Perhaps by default lights and probes should have their render layers set so they include all possible values? (Max unsigned integer)
  14. From your description, it sounds like the probes and render layers are working as intended? Is that correct?
  15. 0.9.6 The ambientcg.com script will now remove the _2K, _4K, etc. extensions from files, so you can install the 1K version of an asset, then go back and install a higher-res version if you want.
  16. Does this only happen with some models? What GPU do you have?
  17. 0.9.6 Added search to asset library. I recommend deleting the folder "C:/Program Data/Ultra Engine/Asset Library" to clear the cache.
  18. 0.9.6 Asset library interface is faster. Added slider to view more than one page of results. Web responses and previews are now cached. First time will be slow, then fast after that. Top-most categories no longer show any items, because there is no good way to display that many items with a good response time.
  19. Except for the recent activity, that is a shader file that never changes. You could make the file read-only if you want to protect it. There is no max gamma value. The default is 2.2, which is the correct value to convert linear to sRGB. The first render looks correct, but keep in mind: Quake is a dark game and those textures were designed before sRGB was in use in games. You have a directional light plus PBR diffuse and specular lighting brightening the scene.
  20. Camera:SetGamma controls the final linear to sRGB color conversion, and is a setting meant for adjusting a game's brightness levels for the monitor. It does not affect the sRGB to linear color conversion, which can be changed by modifying the GAMMA value in Shaders/Khronos/tonemapping.glsl. Every screenshot above looks as I would expect.
  21. That does not look like what we commonly call "LOD popping". It looks more like a problem with the way the compute shader is writing memory...
  22. This is the intended behavior. The grid units determine the amount of change. If you want a smaller change, press the [ and ] keys to adjust the grid size.
  23. 0.9.6 First implementation of remote asset browser added, with support for ambientcg.com content.
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