Sorry. I fixed it.
Our website is currently under a sort of attack. There is no danger of any security being breached, but it is triggering some automated security responses.
If prefabs can be modified without breaking the prefab, then they are not prefabs, they are templates.
The idea of prefabs is you can go back and modify the file, and all your maps adjust without having to be updated.
I have not yet added functionality to "break" prefabs, which would turn an object from a prefabs into a regular non-prefab object that gets stored in the map.
If that is not the behavior we want, then we should have a discussion about that. But my understanding is that prefabs retain all their original properties except position, rotation, and scale.
Can you check a > test instead of an exact equals? Something like this:
for (auto v = 0; v < mesh->CountVertices(); v++) {
mesh->SetVertexTexCoords(v, 2.0f, 0.0f, 1);
if(tex_coords.z > 1.0f){
color = vec4(0,1,0,1);
color = vec4(1,0,0,1);
Changed the order of the viewport layout toolbar buttons to 4, 1, 2, 3 so the two most used buttons are the easiest to reach.
Translate tool in the 2D viewports now uses the selection bounding box to grab and move objects, instead of individual objects.
FLowgraph editor initializes faster when you view it the first time.
Various bug fixes.
The trigger does this by setting the global variable "changemapname" to a new value. If you do the same thing with your button, then the value will be detected in the main loop and a new map will be loaded.
As long as "changes" is not a variable both threads can access! But I would just use SetPixels from the main thread, it's safer and less likely to break down.
You might want to change your design so some global variable gets set when something is changed, and then just submit the changes once if they occur. This is how I handle changes to mesh data, instead of submitting the mesh each time it just adds it to a list of meshes that need to be sent, and all updated meshes are submitted right before the render.