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Everything posted by Josh

  1. I think that alternative installer completely messed up your system.
  2. I do not know what those all are. You only need the file I linked to. Installing repackaged redistributables from a third party that "removes bloat" is highly suspicious. Installing Visual Studio Community Edition 2022 is also a guaranteed way to get it installed right.
  3. I do not know what that site is linking to. This is the Visual Studio runtime: https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe
  4. Do you have this extension installed?: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=actboy168.lua-debug When I installed it I was able to produce the same error.
  5. Why is there no .vscode folder here?
  6. You do have the Lua debugger extension installed, right?: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=devCAT.lua-debug Do you have other Lua extensions installed that might be interfering with this? Projects can be created in any folder. This is the only mention I can find of this same error: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76122037/how-do-i-set-up-to-run-love2d-lua-game-when-i-want-to-the-only-way-i-can-finagl Have you tried added a variable "program"? Do the JSON settings recognize this value, or does it show a yellow curvy underline under the word "program"? "program": "${workspaceFolder}/Controller_d.exe",
  7. You don't have to save or load any file formats. You just copy data into their mesh structure to process it: https://github.com/jpcy/xatlas/blob/f700c7790aaa030e794b52ba7791a05c085faf0c/source/xatlas/xatlas.h#L108 Looks not very hard.
  8. I have replaced the function declaration with this code, which will handle all variations: "IntersectsBrush", sol::overload( [](Brush& b, shared_ptr<Brush> bb, std::nullptr_t, float e) { return b.IntersectsBrush(bb, nullptr, e); }, [](Brush& b, shared_ptr<Brush> bb, shared_ptr<Face> f, float e) { return b.IntersectsBrush(bb, f, e); }, [](Brush& b, shared_ptr<Brush> bb, std::nullptr_t) { return b.IntersectsBrush(bb, nullptr); }, [](Brush& b, shared_ptr<Brush> bb, shared_ptr<Face> f) { return b.IntersectsBrush(bb, f); }, [](Brush& b, shared_ptr<Brush> bb) { return b.IntersectsBrush(bb); } ), An update will be available tomorrow.
  9. I have added some commands in the API and I guess I did not update the Lua declarations to match. This is the method syntax: IntersectsBrush(shared_ptr<Brush> brush, shared_ptr<Face> face = NULL, const float epsilon = 0.0f) I am adding the required overloads now. NIL probably won't work for the face until I add the right syntax.
  10. If you are running in debug mode it should tell you more information about the error.
  11. This is correct. This is a common behavior in almost all game model formats. You are doing it correctly. The second UV set is available in the .zw coordinates of the texcoord value.
  12. AO will only be rendered when the AO map is assigned to the AO texture channel...BUT... The AO map and the metal-roughness map can be the same texture. So if you assign it in both slots, you have AO. This is the way glTF does it. I don't think it really requires an extra texture sample in the fragment shader, because of the texture cache.
  13. @reepblue pointed out this library for UV unwrapping: https://github.com/jpcy/xatlas I added these values to the AssetEditor class: asseteditor.model: the open model, if it exists. asseteditor:Invalidate(): Triggers a viewport redraw. asseteditor:Modify(): Causes the file to be set as "modified". asseteditor.modelmenu: Menu displayed when a model is loaded. The event EVENT_INITASSETEDITOR is emitted when an asset editor window is initialized, so you can add a menu item to the modelmenu at this time. Since Lua can call functions from a DLL, that should be everything needed to create an unwrapping extension.
  14. There is a typo in my declaration of this function. You can work around this temporarily by supplying a second Vec3 to the function arguments like this: local joint = CreateBallAndSocketJoint(parent.position, Vec3(0), parent, child)
  15. In this episode we review the week's progress and discuss some proposed revisions to the asset pipeline. 4-13-24.zip
  16. I do not understand your question.
  17. Fixed image converter errors. All converters are now disabled by default.
  18. Vertex tool can now select objects. Increase size of vertex indicators when DPI scaling is used. Added default materials so brushes aren't bright white on creation. Edge selection highlight thickness now adjusts with DPI scale
  19. In the CreateWindow function in Source/main.cpp or Source/main.lua, use the WINDOW_FULLSCREEN style for the window style.
  20. New version of this has been added to the default install.
  21. Bug fixes Opened prefabs can now be saved like map
  22. See Camera::SetClipPlane and CameraClipPlane0 in CameraInfo.glsl.
  23. It may be possible to improve this in the future but I am wary of trying to mask this behavior, since it might lead to other problems. For now I am going to consider this "not a bug".
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