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Everything posted by Josh

  1. That's the same as what I wrote above.
  2. How would you suggest doing that? Something like this?: function object:Update() if self.super~=nil then if self.super.Update~=nil then self.super:Update() end end self.entity:Turn(1,0,0) end It seems like the "code blocks" paradigm really has nothing to do with C++ inheritance.
  3. If we have multiple scripts attached to a single entity, should redundant functions override previously declared ones, or should the functions be executed in sequence? Example of two scripts attached to an entity, in order: function object:Update() self.entity:Turn(1,0,0) end function object:Update() self.entity:Turn(-1,0,0) end
  4. Josh

    Some hints of 3.0

    I think we can satisfy both groups. By providing more high-level structure, we can help programmers to make scripts and programs that the rest of the community can use.
  5. It's trivial to add horizontal displacement to the terrain shader. I tried it before, but didn't see anything amazing. I think what you are mostly seeing in the above shot is a nice rock texture, and a little displacement along the normal improves the effect.
  6. This might help: http://blog.wolfire.com/2009/06/cliff-rocks/
  7. Josh

    Some hints of 3.0

    Once we are able to start in earnest, I will have a better answer than that. There's a lot of groundwork to prepare.
  8. I would make a wide flat rock model and just align it to the cliff. Crysis used this technique, and the results are good.
  9. This is a quick blog to fill you in on some of the features planned for Leadwerks Engine 3.0. -Any entity can be a physics body. The body command set will become general entity commands, i.e. Entity.SetVelocity(). You can make an entity physically interactive with Entity.SetShape( shape ). -Any entity can have any number of scripts attached to it. The basic model script functions will be supported for all entities, plus specialized script functions for certain entities. For example, particle emitters will have an optional script function that is called when a particle is reset. This could be used to make a fire emitter "burn" a mesh. Script functions are called in sequence, so you can attach a chain of scripts to an entity to combine behaviors. -Prefabs will be supported, with the ability to drag entities together to make a hierarchy, add lights, emitters, and other entities, attach scripts, and then save a prefab. -Record screenshots and movies from the editor! -Tons of scripted behavior you can attach to your own models, and lots of scripted assets you can download. Basic AI features will be supplied. -The editor is being designed so you only need a mouse to make games. If you want to script or program or make artwork you can, but at the simplest level, the whole workflow can be controlled in the editor, with reloading assets, automated imports, and lots of drag-and-drop functionality. That's all for now. I can't tell you some of the coolest features, but this gives you an idea of where we are headed.
  10. I agree that the quality of the conversion and features may suffer, but this is something the overwhelming majority want, not just Rick. So the trick is to give the public what they want, without letting them hurt themselves. The best way to think of it is to assume the user does not have a keyboard, and can not run Windows Explorer. Then you understand what they generally want, in terms of ease of use. This isn't so much the current user base, but the "designers" and beginners that we expect to join later on. If we can also streamline the workflow for the professionals and save them time, then that's great.
  11. I would like to hear more about specific features and workflow you guys want, instead of the merits and problems of specific software. I will be basing the version 3.0 workflow heavily on user input, and a good discussion of what you want will help me a lot. Thanks!
  12. The project wizard will create a LEO project for you automatically.
  13. Since scaling is not support by the physics system, collision won't work properly if you scale an object. I am adding a new geometry type based on the CSG brushes used in 3D World Studio, and it will be better for triggers and zones.
  14. I have filed a ticket with the forum software vendor and I am attempting to resolve the download issue. I would like to know your graphics card make and model, and if the problem persists I would like a demo containing all the files that shows the problem. I really think your issue is due to old version shader files, because I know that would cause behavior like you describe. New users should please use version 2.31 since we are currently unable to distribute the files correctly due to problems with the forum software. I apologize for the inconvenience.
  15. You can post your test models here, and someone will probably be nice enough to convert them for you.
  16. Josh


    Holy **** that looks good.
  17. You can get a 9800 GTX for around $125, and it will run everything fast at maximum quality. The only reason you would need one bigger is if you have a really large screen. All those extra stream processors make a big difference when you are rendering a 1920x1080 image. I am using an ATI 5730 at the moment, and it runs STALKER, Crysis, Leadwerks, everything at 1080p and max settings, and it's fast enough I don't even think about performance.
  18. Thanks for the video. Will check it out.
  19. Yes, the bulbs aren't energy efficient. I suspect you are using the shaders from a previous version with your project.
  20. I agree. I was unaware there was any problem until you pointed it out, so thank you. When I search this thread for the words "pick" or "load", this sentence is the first result that is found. What is your question?
  21. A support ticket has been filed with the forum software provider. They usually respond quickly to these.
  22. If you don't want to use heightmap terrain, you can always just load a mesh and use that instead.
  23. Josh


    I agree the hue of the sunlight and fog should be slightly more orange, but it's a minor thing.
  24. Yes, it is a full installer. The framework commands have been added directly into the engine command set.
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