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Everything posted by Josh

  1. These are very nice. One thing I think would be handy for level design is a cluster of large rocks you could distribute on cliff faces. Of course you can easily make something like that with these models.
  2. The engine doesn't care what program you modeled your objects in. It just loads FBX files. The constraints for performance are the same as any real-time renderer. Keep the polycount to only what you need, and collapse surfaces into single objects whenever possible. I don't know what NVida Scenix is, but you should not have to resort to integrating third party code into the engine to get good performance. The renderer already is very fast for the amount of detail and features it handles. The question of optimizing performance is pretty broad, but generally speaking you can turn on billboards for far away vegetation, use vegetation layers for any frequently repeating objects, and keep your model polycounts within reasonable limits.
  3. More are being added, but it's more important to make sure existing functionality works correctly first. You can go as big as 4096x4096. This is more than enough for most games. The editor uses a range of parameters most people would use. It is not advisable to try to make such high-detail terrain like you describe. Tessellation would be a more appropriate approach, but that's not supported yet. Water waves are designed not to have any discernable direction at all, so no.
  4. I think the SpeedTree guys would be better off selling a modeling application for trees, instead of trying to get their code into your engine. Their vegetation rendering is mediocre, and trying to get developers to integrate such a low-level system into their design must be difficult. I was asking them about the modeling app, because it exports to FBX, so it will work with Leadwerks out of the box, but they kept trying to steer me back to their SDK.
  5. It is unlikely you will be able to write your own OpenGL 4 renderer and add it to Leadwerks. However, version 3.0 is being written with OpenGL 3.3/4.0 support. I don't think you will be able to integrate SpeedTree without the source, but our engine can render much more vegetation than SpeedTree. Version 3.0 is being written in pure C++, so you might have better luck integrating that with external libraries. The engine is not limited by the number of triangles in a mesh, unless you go over the ~65,000 vertex limit.
  6. Don't use groups for anything. An octree has been implemented for version 2.32.
  7. An older ATI driver had a problem that caused that to occur.
  8. What really amazes me is how when you are far away, okay, you've got billboards, and things don't look that detailed, but then when you are on the ground, everywhere you go there is this incredible detail. It's something that I marveled a lot at with the Crysis engine. It looks like you got just the right color for the shadows. You could even go pinkish for the sunlight, depending on how late in the day it is.
  9. You are deleting a mesh that is a child of the model.
  10. Probably a beta, to make sure everything is working right.
  11. I just got the vegetation collision fix last night, so it's on the way.
  12. When used on a model, CopyEntity() will return a new instance of the model, as if it were loaded from disk.
  13. The first thing you should do is update to version 2.31. I actually did reproduce your error after a few runs. I would like to see the project compiled with version 2.31 to see if it makes any difference, as I did recently make some fixes to the controller. It appears the force that should be applied is randomly being reversed, which causes a positive feedback resulting in the objects being "sucked into" the controller.
  14. It's a blurry image, so I think you can use the same texture and just stretch it to the screen.
  15. When a buffer is rendered to, the image is upside down. Yeah, I know it is annoying, but I am using the same code that renders to the back buffer. Maybe I could auto-flip the viewport when rendering to a buffer, but then it would break existing code.
  16. The terrain is a child of the scene pivot that is returned by LoadScene: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Entities#ForEachEntityDo
  17. What is a collider? You need to set the terrain collision type, just like any other entity.
  18. This is adjusting the color levels in a pixel shader?
  19. Since a buffer's contents is a texture, you can just use the texture directly instead of saving and reloading it.
  20. Josh


    I think your scale operation just multiplies the object's vertex positions or matrix scale. So your objects are still out of proportion with one another, but are each bigger or smaller, depending on the scale value you input.
  21. Josh

    Picking up speed

    This has no effect on Leadwerks Engine 2.x. It's just research for the future.
  22. What does this have to do with multithreading?
  23. The mesh is attached to the skeleton, but even if it wasn't, you can load a skeleton animation into a rigged animated mesh.
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