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Everything posted by Josh

  1. DirectX isn't widely used or supported. DirectX 9 is used on the XBox 360, and for a lot of Windows games. DirectX 10 is supported on Windows Vista and 7, and used in very few games. DirectX 11 is used in maybe three games, and only runs on Vista and 7. OpenGL has the same features as DirectX, runs on Windows XP, Vista, 7, Mac, Linux, Wii, iPhone, and PS3, and doesn't change every three years. A few years ago the choice to use OpenGL was made more out of convenience, but now it is clear that OpenGL is a better API to use. OpenGL even supports Windows better than DirectX does. If you have a bug report please post it in the bug tracker. If you have a question about performance with a specific application please post an example so we can try it ourselves.
  2. I don't think the whole editor needs to be rewritten. I was just looking through, and a lot of the design is very logical for how things work. There are a few ideas I would like to take from Unity, and combine them with the cool features in the existing editor.
  3. Whoops, it's still in there. Will be replaced soon with an octree.
  4. No, they do not work, and have not for some time.
  5. Sort of, but an actual hierarchy, instead of "groups". The groups feature was removed a couple months ago. I finally learned the optimal way to store and render entities in an engine like this. I don't want to say anything because it is pretty valuable knowledge.
  6. The shader compiles just fine on a GEForce 7200 with Windows 7. Please provide the error log that shows the shader error text and source.
  7. I probably would just make you use the scene tree, because otherwise I will create unforeseen problems later on. It actually makes sense to have a separate scene tree if you are able to drag entities in it to adjust the hierarchy.
  8. Well, if I were to rewrite the editor, this is how I would do it... -Make the asset pipeline pretty much like Unity's, using my own judgement to improve it. -For materials, you would just select from a bunch of presets, and have relevant properties for those presets. I think this is much more useful than a visual material editor. -The editor replaces all other SDK applications. It's the only tool you would use. -Use wxWidgets for the interface because the default Windows GUI is really slow. This can be seen when the properties and options dialogs are populated. There's no way I could have predicted this, because Win7 wasn't even released when I started the editor. -Make it so any entity can have a script, so you can drag a light, particle emitter, etc., and have a script that operates directly on the entity. -The previous point makes prefabs more useful, because you can attach a light directly to another entity and save it as a prefab.
  9. One problem with using folders is a model often consists of many files, so you create a folder just for one model and place the script, phy, gmf, etc in there. So I found in practice we ended up with a lot of repeating nodes like "Vehicles\monstertruck\monstertruck". Seems like a hotly debated issue, and I can see both sides.
  10. That looks a lot nicer than I thought it would from the technique you describe. You might want to get rid of the reflection entirely, and just use a cubemap lookup. I don't think ocean water is all that reflective, and it actually can detract from the realism.
  11. Some interesting points. I do like the convenience of the Unity auto-conversion stuff, but it also seems like a ton of effort to put into something that isn't going to have any benefit for a shipping game. I have also found when you hide things from the user and try to make converters "guess" what the user wants, the results are often confusing. I would like to make the properties editor act "live" so that the moment you change something the action is carried out, and I have thought about embedding it in the main window.
  12. You can set your Leadwerks blog up to read an RSS feed from an external blog like BlogSpot or WordPress. Blog entries you make on your external blog will automatically appear in your Leadwerks blog. The following instructions show how to set this up. First, go to your blog, click the "Go" button, and click the "Manage Your Blogs" link: Now select the blog you want to add the RSS feed to and click the "Options" button for that blog. Click on the "Manage RSS Import" link: Now just add your RSS feed URL. For BlogSpot accounts, this is "http://yourblogname.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss". Press the "Save Changes" button and you're done! When you first enable RSS feed import your blog entries will be imported immediately. New entries will be checked for every 24 hours and automatically added.
  13. I do like some of the things they did. In order to make an editor where there's a button to control every single aspect of the engine, I think it will be necessary to hire more programmers...
  14. What bothers me about the Unity is approach is you can only play around with the presets they hard code into the editor. What if you want your own flare entity? You can't code it with custom properties like our system allows.
  15. This is a feature. You can easily see all the available objects, edit a class script, and see all instances of an object in a single view. I thought a separate scene tree and a list of available objects was redundant and more complicated.
  16. I think there's an option in most exporters because some people use upside down normal maps. Ours are the correct way.
  17. What operating systems are affected?
  18. I'd rather focus on the actual content.
  19. On a technical level, I'd be fine getting a booth for the engine right now, but we don't have enough media content and demos built up yet. Next year would make more sense.
  20. We have started it, you just haven't seen the new artist's blog yet.
  21. What is Galaxytech? Why wouldn't you go to www.nvidia.com for drivers?
  22. No one can help you unless you post some code demonstrating your problem.
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