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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Is the program freely distributable? If so we can put it in the downloads sections.
  2. This is great news. I was a bit worried about the state of OpenGL on the Mac, since they presently only support version 2.1. With OpenGL3 support, we can have a uniform graphics API on Macintosh, Linux, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/1585830/apple-slowly-opengl
  3. 1. Use the calcomega and calcvelocity commands to calculate two vectors. Multiply these by the object mass, then add them as torque and force. 2. Use a static body you move around, and connect the dynamic body to it with a fixed joint. You can probably come up with a function using technique 1 that is like SetPosition or SetRotation, but with physics forces.
  4. You can increase the vertical scale to 1000 meters.
  5. Josh

    3D chat

    Version 7 is available. I came up with a motion smoothing technique that is so simple and so effective. I am eager to see how it performs, so find me on one of the chat servers now!
  6. You are loading the candle mesh in your code above. Call LoadModel() not LoadMesh().
  7. Josh

    3D chat

    Version 6 is available. This interpolates motion between three data points.
  8. I think the downloads section will let you upload that.
  9. If you recompile the source on Linux it will work.
  10. There's also a partial GUI in the downloads section.
  11. Nice result. You know, there should be a paint applications that stores color as an entry in a palette, and lets you redefine the palette. Maybe there already is.
  12. I think for something that detailed you would need to create a special mesh. The terrain resolution isn't high enough to simulate small details like that.
  13. It sounds like what is happening is the DLL performs all the math on the entity object, but it has a separate instance of the engine running. If you tried to do some other operations that allocated memory it would probably crash. It actually is possible to do something like this, but you would need to pass all the engine function pointers to the DLL so it could call the functions the main engine is using.
  14. Josh

    3D chat

    Thanks, but your router isn't allowing connections. Download version 5 (above) if you see this, and join my server.
  15. Josh

    3D chat

    Help me test: http://www.leadwerks.com/post/chat20.zip
  16. You can name the crate "MyCrate" in the editor, and then do this: scene=LoadScene("garage.sbx") ammocrate=FindChild(scene,"MyCrate") While (end==false) { If KeyHit(KEY_UP) MoveEntity(ammocrate,Vec3(0,5,0)) }
  17. I think it's a limitation of the free version, since it is using IPS's bandwidth. I think the chat is still in beta. If it turns out to be useful, then maybe I will pay to have the user limit increased when it is out of beta.
  18. That's awesome, thanks! You can put a computer in your game and have access to the whole web. Or you can look up tips while you are in the game.
  19. The first one you posted in this thread, http://skopia.de/torusforphygen.obj
  20. Your zip file is missing or corrupt.
  21. Okay, I'll leave it up for a while, see how you like it.
  22. Please download version 3 and create a server, and just leave it open. I need lots of servers to choose from.
  23. Can someone post a demo with all required files?
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