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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Well, the idea is to put a game concept out there, and then work towards it. I think the first part is to simply make a camera with our soldier character running around in third person view. From there, it's not hard to add multiplayer so we can run around together in a scene.
  2. All versions of Unwrap3D that support GMF export should work fine. Please post your files.
  3. I don't know. I have only gotten good results using my own implementation. It's not that hard to create your own vehicle physics with the physics command set. You just needs wheels and a suspension. The suspension is important because a four-wheeled vehicle will have trouble contacting the ground at all times with all wheels, without suspension.
  4. The camera pick function is a convenience function that calculates coordinates and then calls LinePick(). You do not need to use the callback for any pick function. It only provides an extra method of control. The pick structure contains the picked entity, position, normal, and surface (if a mesh was picked). This structure is documented in the wiki: http://leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Raycasting You may also find this useful: http://www.leadwerks.com/files/Tutorials/CPP/Collision_And_Raycasting.pdf
  5. Nice work. I am not aware of any problems with camera picking. I would not be surprised if there is a problem with mesh decals. I have not used the technique in a long time, and it is a little tricky to set up a proper material for it. Will look into it soon.
  6. Why are you creating a sphere mesh each frames??
  7. You only need this, really: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...)
  8. Josh

    crack in earth

    As I said above, a shader is the most correct way to do this. You can also modify the mesh texture coordinates. This will be slightly slower, but with such a small mesh it won't really matter. This is how 3D World Studio adjusts texture coordinates.
  9. That looks like it should work then. Please post an example I can reproduce.
  10. This would indicate that the values being passed to the function are nil (undefined).
  11. It is possible to develop a vehicle using physics bodies and the hinge and slider joints in the engine API. You can add forces to the tires for the spring suspension. The default vehicle is based on raycasting, and provides stable behavior at high speeds.
  12. Josh

    crack in earth

    In the pixel shader, find where the texcoord is read and multiply the x or y component by the scaling factor. If you make a texcoord bigger, that means more repeats. Find this line in mesh.frag: vec2 texcoord=texcoord0;// only use this because of parallax mapping And do something like this: texcoord.y *= fragcolor.w Then use the entity alpha color to store the scaling factor for an instance of the mesh.
  13. This might be worth submitting a demo to: http://www.siggraph.org/s2010/for_submitters/live_real-time_demos
  14. Turn on trilinear and anisotropic filtering.
  15. Default zoom is 1.0 which corresponds to an FOV of 90 degrees. There's a formula posted in a couple places to convert a zoom value and FOV. Do a search at http://forum.leadwerks.com to find it.
  16. I am not sure what you are trying to do, but the math will be easiest if you give the mesh dimensions of 1.0 when it is scaled 1,1,1. I assume you are trying to make a mesh span from one point to another.
  17. Josh

    crack in earth

    You just perfectly described the process of how road creation works. I would just use the road system with a modified script to build one node at a time in order.
  18. The short answer to your question is that orthographic views are not presently supported in Leadwerks Editor (although orthographic rendering is supported by the engine command set).
  19. Leadwerks Engine SDK 2.31 is now available. A new SDK installer in the download area allows you to download different versions of the SDK. You must have an activated Leadwerks account to download the new SDK installer. New features include lighting optimizations for point and spot lights. You can read about this feature in detail here. Another new feature is character controller crouching behavior. Note that the origin of character controllers has been moved to the very bottom of the controller, instead of the vertical center. In addition, particle emitters will now store the particle velocity in the first texture coordinate array of the surface. This allows the implementation of directional particles, for elongated sparks or other non-circular particles. Shadow updating can be a bottleneck in rendering. To make matters worse, point lights require a total of six passes when its shadow is refreshed. We solved this problem by only redrawing shadows of objects that moved. The shadow is then combined with the rest of the cached shadow buffer, to make the final shadow map. The net result is fully dynamic point light shadows using a proper six-sided shadow map, with less rendering cost and better quality than dual parabolic shadow maps.
  20. Raise the decal by a tiny amount, like the road is, and use the overlay setting.
  21. Josh


    Maybe I can upload it to CNet. This is the first I have heard of any problems.
  22. Although I agree caution should be exercised, and do not have a good opinion of Bobby Kotick, inflammatory language and negativity without explaining your position will be moderated. You can say the same thing in more precise and less emotional terms, and make your point better. If you have a reason to distrust Activision, you are welcome to explain exactly why. What I want to avoid is threads where people throw loaded terms around with no real discussion.
  23. LoadScene() DrawImage( Loadingscreen ) Flip() Why would you expect anything to show up when the game is loading with that order of commands? It's probably just displaying whatever random bits are in the video buffer. DrawImage( Loadingscreen ) Flip() LoadScene()
  24. Flashlight batteries are another good idea. It wasn't clear to me how I was supposed to acquire the shotgun, or where I could pick up ammo or food. You have a really great concept here that can be made into a unique strong game. I suspect you are listening to the wrong people due to the way you turned the visuals down so much by default, and in the video. I am really excited about the possibilities you could have with the lighting in this. Leadwerks Engine is really good at drawing a lot of shadow-casting lights. Use it to your advantage and make something no one else has. With the recent improvements in lighting, your game will be drawing an order of magnitude fewer polys to render shadows, and all you have to do is adjust a couple settings in the editor:
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