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Everything posted by Josh

  1. While some of these features may be useful as general tools, I am wary of committing time trying to fix issues that belong to Blender. The whole idea of an open standard is it makes it clear where any problems are. Blender gets a lot of free money from various corporations, they should be able to improve their workflow without my help. If you find a glTF file that loads properly in other programs but does not in Ultra, that is what I should be focused on.
  2. I just updated again, to make sure the right thing got uploaded. Please try it and make sure you updated your project, I tried your original Lua example with no problems.
  3. Don't forget the event Saturday at 6 PM GMT: https://discord.com/invite/EkRkvks2?event=1201580508677668964
  4. Prefabs can now be dragged into the scene and saved. They will be loaded as a prefab, but child entities will probably not work correctly yet. Some bug fixes.
  5. If that is the case, that probably indicates some kind of error in your Blender export process, like something needs to be "baked" or something. I am not a blender expert, but their support forum might be able to help you. If you find a situation where Ultra is not loading a model that works in other third-party programs, then that would indicate a problem, and I would definitely like to see it.
  6. I am not sure I understand what the problem is? What is wrong in these images?
  7. Okay, so fortunately glTF is an open standard with support across many different programs, including Windows 3D Viewer, which is included in Windows 10 and 11. We can use this to get a second opinion and see if the glTF file is exporting correctly. When I open your .glb file in this program I see two issues. It's very big, and it looks like maybe the faces are flipped? It's difficult to investigate anything else when we know there are these issues present, so I recommend seeing if you can fix your export process from Blender first.
  8. Okay, this was simply caused by the animation send state sort of getting out of sync when different worlds are used. Once I figured out what it was it was an easy fix. I think @Dreikblack deserves a big round of applause.
  9. Hi, can you upload the .blend and .glb files please?
  10. I can see the send / receive is out of sync. Sending Wait result OK Sending Wait result OK Sending Wait result OK Sending Sending Wait result OK Wait result
  11. Okay, I know where it is stuck. It is stopped waiting for a result from the animation thread that never comes...
  12. 16 * 16 * 2 meshes * 2 subpasses = 1024 instances. Looks correct to me.
  13. Try calling camera->SetDepthPrepass(false) and don't use any lights.
  14. Okay, it looks like there is something going on with the animation system. If I comment that out I can load and reload with no issues, many times...
  15. It seems like it is being caused by the player model or component somehow, because this scene with just a camera works fine: start.zip
  16. It says sometimes it is stopping in wasapi.c, something to do with the Windows audio system, but I am not convinced this is right. > Ultra Engine_d.exe!`anonymous namespace'::WasapiPlayback::mixerProc() Line 719 C++ I commented out all the sound stuff but it still happens here...investigating...
  17. In theory it should not matter, but you are calling a C++ function that then goes back into Lua, and there might be something weird I don't know about going on there, when you have layers of interfaces between the two. It makes me nervous. I tried pausing the program during execution, but it said the program was running external code, which makes me think it is stuck in the Lua library somehow. I also tried to pause from VSCode, but it could not pause. This supports the same hypothesis. The next thing I can do is build Lua into the engine as C++ instead of a compiled library, or maybe a debug build of the Lua lib, but I don't know if being able to pause inside the Lua VM will tell me anything useful. I don't think you will be able to recreate this problem in C++.
  18. There is no string class in the table of contents. That page is not listed anywhere. You want the Lua string library: https://www.lua.org/pil/20.html
  19. The shader family needs a separate set of options for when alpha masking is active. Does this solve your problem? { "shaderfamily": { "root":"Shaders/PBR.fam", "static": { "float": { "opaque": { "default": { "base": { "vertex":"Foliage/PineTree/Leaves.vert.spv" }, "depthPass": { } } }, "mask": { "default": { "base": { "vertex":"Foliage/PineTree/Leaves.vert.spv" }, "depthPass": { } } } } } } }
  20. I would probably create a timer and then use an event listener to check the process status every 200 milliseconds or so.
  21. No event is emitted, just Process::GetStatus().
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