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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Josh


    Well, I think in my case docs and tutorials are the "seeds" and sales are what you reap.
  2. If you add require("scripts/loop") at the top, you will import the loop script, which has a few functions declared the engine picks up: require("Scripts/hooks") function UpdateWorldHook() RunHooks("UpdateWorld") end function UpdatePhysicsHook() RunHooks("UpdatePhysics") end function FlipHook() RunHooks("Flip") end I just added the FlipHook() function, so I guess it doesn't make sense to call this file "loop" anymore. Maybe "enginehooks" would be a better file name? Then the user can use AddHook("UpdateWorld",myfunction) to add their own Lua hooks, and your main loop doesn't have to have any code hardly.
  3. Josh

    2.3 Sync

    You could but the results would be unpredictable because SetMatrix() updates the entity position, rotation, scale, etc. Here is a list of members: http://leadwerks.com...ntities#Members The following are the documented members of the Entity class. Generally, members should be treated as read-only. For example, setting the entity position by changing the position vector values will fail to perform necessary updates the SetPosition() command would call, and the results may be unpredictable.
  4. It sounds like perhaps some files got moved around and you are loading an older version of the script? Double click on the class node of the pointlight and see what the script is.
  5. Yes, and SM4 is unique because that is the point where you can finally have full lighting. After that, you can just rely on the same techniques and increase the resolutions with hardware.
  6. Josh

    December 7, 2009

    You can put variable in the class table. You should be able to see how it works now.
  7. Josh

    2.3 Sync

    I thought it seemed sort of redundant when you have the member itself to access.
  8. Josh


    This is a good idea to keep in mind, especially with something like software development: "Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." -Robert Louis Stevenson
  9. Thanks for making this. I added it to the sync folder.
  10. Josh

    2.3 Sync

    Okay, there is a confirmed bug where the roads don't construct properly when meters per tile is other than the default value. The number 2 is probably hard-coded in the script somewhere, so I will find it.
  11. Josh

    2.3 Sync

    How do I produce this result?
  12. http://leadwerks.com/engine_tutorials.html
  13. Josh

    2.3 Sync

    The world has a list of entities. You can also look for a specific class in the classnametable: local class=classnametable["light_directional"]
  14. Messages with zero delay are sent immediately.
  15. Josh

    2.3 Sync

    Try this: fw.main.camera:SetMatrix(object.cameraPivot.mat)
  16. It looks like the filter needs to be moved to the end of the line, or added in the water shader as well.
  17. Not free, but good: http://www.soundrangers.com
  18. Josh


    This command has been added to the DLL. It is experimental. It will return the lua state used in the engine. You might be able to import the lua library and perform commands on this variable. I don't know if it is okay to access one lua state with a separately intialized instance of Lua. If it isn't, then eventually we will expose the whole Lua command set through the engine DLL.
  19. Josh

    2.3 Sync

    entity.matis a member where the matrix can be accessed. Rick, I need more information from you. I don't know if you are running something in the editor, a scripted app, a C++ program, etc.
  20. Josh


    Attacked? Did I chase you with a sharpened stick?
  21. I think NVidia pursues these kind of things to raise their stock price. There is no way they are making a profit with this product, but it gives them something to show off and reinforces the idea that they are the leader innovating new technology. Cuda, PhysX, 3D vision, all of these projects lose money but they make NVidia look better to technically ignorant stockholders. When you see these grand web pages on NVidia's site talking about some new technology, it isn't aimed at the consumer. They are courting stockholders and potential stock buyers. After thinking about it, I really believe the decision to pursue these things was based on the desire to raise stock price even though it lowers profits. It's not really a good or bad thing, but it would be a mistake to get suckered into technology the proprietor themself doesn't even believe in.
  22. We already have mostly procedural environments. You can distribute grass and trees based on certain parameters. You don't have to paint every spot of ground because you have parameters for the different layers. You can generate the terrain in L3DT and get a procedural heightmap. The dream is an infinite world with easy tools to procedurally generate most of it, then go in and adjust the things you specifically need by hand. That's pretty close to what we have now. But the whole streamed infinite world is a developmental nightmare, especially for an open-ended engine not locked to a simple racing genre. So let's make the most of the mature technology we have now, and everything we develop in the current engine might someday be useful in a version 3.
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