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  1. Running in max 2012x64, works perfectly. Great Job.
  2. This is very cool, and I'm glad you posted this here; it just gave me a great idea for a game.
  3. This is more than great; very useful; elegant; clean.
  4. This, and have a 2D "schematic" like map to more accurately places 3D models. Sorry if we have this I just haven't used it yet
  5. Sorry, forgot to be informative lastime. Warning: Failed to load mesh "zip::c:/users/user/downloads/furious frank v0.03 demo/furious frank v0.03 demo/data.pak//data/models/mg_fps_pistol/smachlod1.gmf": Mesh loader failed. I got it to work, I just kept pressing the button, and all of a sudden it started working. Weird..
  6. This is amazing, thanks for doing the work. I used CodeBlocks all of the time, but stopped using it for a while to use Visual Studio+LE
  7. As soon as I click it, it goes "Not Responding" however the music continually plays as it says that.
  8. I work for a company call Village Tronic, we make External graphics solutions for laptops. If you laptop has an expresscard slot you can interface a desktop graphics card with a laptop. http://www.villageinstruments.com/tiki-index.php?page=ViDock
  9. Congrats, and good luck. Don't forget about us here!!
  10. interesting concept, I like it alot. I think an entire game could be developed upon these shaders. Good work.
  11. Ok, everything is great. The textures are awesome, and the MAT files are done. I have a slight problem, the scale is way off. I did some quick forum searches and found that the standard LE scale is 1meter to 1unit. Is there a batch scale converter out there?
  12. The program is Photoshop, with a transparent background. No worries, I understand this who "mat" thing now.
  13. Thank you very much! I would like to know how to do it the real way, but I can get my example from the ADN made mat files. Thanks again! -Jim
  14. Hey guys, I'll start out with my first problem and go from there. Textures, textures, textures, I have major problems with texturing in leadwerks. I have converted all TGA files to DDS. I have color, normal, height, and spec maps. From my understanding, you merge the Spec map into the alpha channel of the normal map. I brought a simpler texture into photoshop to see how to do this, and I came up with a purplish result: So my question is, did I make the texture correctly, and can someone show me how to make a proper .mat file. The wiki doesn't help at all, so please don't point me to that.
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