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  1. This has been solved. I needed to go into \Steam\steamapps\common\Steamworks Shared_CommonRedist\OpenAL\ and installed the OpenAL, not sure what happened that this was missed in the beginning, but once I ran that install everything now works.
  2. GTX 980 (If it helps I have had Leadwerks installed before on this PC.)
  3. Recently reinstalled Leadwerks through steam and when I click Launch it shows "Running" and then does nothing. I have uninstalled and reinstalled on a different drive a few times. I have also set up the MyGames folder in the documents and verified the files all to no avail. Anyone have any additional steps I may be missing? Win 10 64bit Version 1903 build 18362.836 Thanks! Ender
  4. Woohoo! Super excited to do another challenge. Loved the Summer one, looking forward to this one!
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