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    Highfeilds Australia

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  1. I have just recently brought Leadwerks and begun work on a Sci-fi, FPS,RPG. However I am having trouble find textures, animations,models and sounds. If anyone would be kind enough to link me to a site(s) where I might find what I need I'd be grateful. Also I'm looking for people who would be interested in helping I need people to help with animation,models and textures, At a later date I will need voice actors and play testers. I am currently working on concept art and the story board. There's a basic run down below, For more information ask me. (at this point the game remains unamed until I can come up with a decent title.) (I ask that no one copy my work, if any one has been working on something similar please tell me.) The basic story so far is the player character is a cadet at a naval academy located near their birth location. (Earth, Stations or colonial.) This will be a tutorial zone and the player with be graded on the skills they choose to use, Along with fluff like remembering history of other races in written exams. After the zone is finished they will be assined a job aboard a ship ranging from garbage hualing to exploratory ships. This is a temporary location giving the player time to learn other skill and master basic one. Each job changing what they learn. At some point with the player is carrying out this section of the story they will be asked to sign a form. Which in basic summary sends them to work aboard a ship with a mix of all other Aliens and groups as part of a "good faith" act to prove that this alliance of races can work together aboard the one ship. Before now such a thing never happens. The focus on this game is choice and thier repercussions, This will also affect mission. For example: If the players mission was to rescue a trapped person from a near destoryed bunker and they choose to look around first they might find the person is responsible for the destruction or if they run straight in to save them without shutting doors behind them then creatures follow them in making escape harder.
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