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Cornell Cook

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  1. Yes I would like to know how long this special price will last, won't be able to pick it up till next paycheck hopefully its still at the same price.
  2. Cornell Cook

    OnLive Lives

    Yeah i've also got the free service and the tech works fine on my end. I come to the conclusion this thing is a great way to demo games, NO DOWNLOADING 1-3GB's! I demo out Just cause 2 for 30 mins and wanted the game, but didn't want to pay full price for a lease after reading the small print that it might not be there in 2 years. Then Steam comes along and has it on sell for $25 I snatched it up. They should take up the Gamefly model or something, they seem to be doing something right and staying in business tho there delivery service is awful slow.
  3. Ahh no good pics of Cheeseburgers to go along with the C is for Cat. ^.^
  4. Looks really good, can't wait for it to be fleshed out.
  5. I can vouch what Lumooja said, I had this same issue he helped me solve it. Never knew win eye candy was that intensive I was getting .5fps just booting it up until set windows for win 2k visual.
  6. Hello everyone, liking the new site.
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