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Thirsty Panther

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  1. Here is a list of my feature sugestions. - Water shader - More primitives in the editor (Spere, Arch, Tube etc) - working "undo" button in the editor - Spline for roads, rivers, ropes and powerlines. Like Aggrors Leadwerks one - Day/Night effects - Simiplied HUD/ GUI system. ie not needing to manage multiple cameras. Thanks Santa!
  2. Works. Thank you but shouldn't you be asleep now? Looking forward to tomorrows Weekend workshop Youtube video. As much as I would love to join the disscussion, being at 05:00 on Sunday morning its just not going to happen:)
  3. I'm getting an Error LNK1127 library is corrupt New Project C:\Program Files\Ultra Engine\Library\UltraEngine_d.lib I got this on my current project but even if I start a fresh C++ project I get the same error.
  4. Interesting. I can log into https://arteria3d.myshopify.com/ and see my previous orders, no problem. If I try to log into https://arteria3d.invisionzone.com/ to get to the download section I'm told I not registed. If you read any of the forum posts you will see that 80% of them are about not being able to download the files they have paid for. You could try and contact their admin or post on the forum.
  5. Leadwerks has a built in free look camera script. Its called spectator.lua. It can be found in the Scripts/ Objects/ Player folder.
  6. Re did this, but put all the textures in their own folder and it worked fine.
  7. I have the same problem using the Blood Organ texture.
  8. I've re-installed Ultra but to no avale.
  9. Starting the editor in the stand alone version shows the splash screen then closes.
  10. In the default material, color is black and emission is white.
  11. I found this site to be very helpful. https://www.worldofleveldesign.com/categories/cat-level-design.php
  12. OK I think I have cracked it. The material needs to be setup a little different to the Defalt particle. The color needs to be white. The emission needs to be black and roughness to 1. Transperancy set to true. Then your start and end colors have the desired effect.
  13. I'm using PBR.fam as the shader. To re-create what I have done. I used the Plasmaball8 from the particle Pack off the Ultra Engine website. I setup the material exactly the same as the default material. Then change the start and end color . Result is a white particle.
  14. I dont seem to be able to get my particle emitter to change color I'm not sure if it is a problem with Ultra or a problem with me
  15. Leadwerks had some extra options to the particle emitter that Ultra Engines emitter dose not. I'm wondering if the following are going to be added? - Duration/ Timer - Random velocity (vec 3) - Shape of emitter. Box, cylinder, shere etc. - Alpha channel changes over time. - Scale changes over time.
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