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Thirsty Panther

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Everything posted by Thirsty Panther

  1. Shadmars underwater shader was popular. Only other one I can think of is the radiation shader.
  2. This thread is a little old and for Lua but might give you a starting point.
  3. Interesting times ahead. But whatever you do please don't sellout to Adobe ?
  4. This thread is a little old but may help.
  5. In the FPS script around line 148 you will find. --Create a camera self.camera = Camera:Create() self.camera:SetFOV(70) self.camera:SetRange(0.05,1000) local aamode = tonumber((System:GetProperty("antialias"))) if aamode ~= nil then self.camera:SetMultisampleMode(aamode) end This is where you can make changes to your camera settings.
  6. Another option is to make a box in the Leadwerks editor to the size you intend your dungeon room to be. Now go to the File menu and select "Export". Export your box in an obj file and save it. Now import this box into Blender. You now have a box the size you need as a reference for your dungeon room.
  7. Code for Darkness awaits is available in this thread. In regards to point 3, I have found most people on the Leadwerks forum to be most helpful and generous with there knowledge.
  8. They would both load ok but wouldn't map 2 overwrite map 1? Haven't tested this myself but I think you can only have one map available at a time.
  9. You cant. Its still in beta. I think Josh is hoping for a release at the end of the year.
  10. When I watched it I also thought of a locomotive or even a clock mechanism with interlocking gears.
  11. So for my own projects it is fine to leave it out?
  12. Not sure on this one. In the Windows create function example, in the while loop we update the time with Leadwerks::Time::Update(); Could we just use Time::Update(); as we have already specified "Leadwerks" in the using namespace call.
  13. Thanks Ma-Shell, useful information there. I'm going to work thru some examples this weekend to try and get my head around all this. Had a quick look at classes and inheritance last night. I will need to go thru this again as well. Thanks for the help.
  14. Sensei I believe I have found another test. In the Vector lesson should the code for a vector of integer values be std::vector <int> myvector; and not std::vector myvector; And the code for a vector of strings should be std::vector <string> myvector; And in Lists should we also declare which data type we are going to use. std::list <int> mylist; or std::list <string> mylist; As a general rule what are the strengths and weaknesses of arrays, vectors, maps and lists. I assume arrays are less memory hungry as their size doesn't change but are less flexible. Vectors look like they could be difficult to keep track of. Maps look similar to how tables work in Lua.
  15. Thanks gentlemen for the clarification. I thought it was a cut and paste error. There is a couple of "s written as quote in the Loop section of the tutorial as well. There is also a mention of Lua in the start of the Loop tutorial, not sure if thats a cut and paste issue. I'm going OK just started arrays, vectors and containers. Its a bit of a step up from Lua but I'm feeling a little more comfortable with C++ than I thought I would.
  16. I'm working my way thru the C++ tutorials and I've gotten to the if statement part. #include "Leadwerks.h"; int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { if (2>1) { Print("Two is greater than one!"); } } Then the explanation of the code is given as. "The above code tests to see if two is greater than one (it is!) and then goes on to execute the code inside the statement. The statement is terminated with the "end" keyword. So we know the above code would print out the word "true" when run." Isn't this wrong? The statement end with the } doesn't it? and not the "end" keyword. 2>1 is true but would print "Two is greater than one!" as we have told it to do if 2>1.
  17. I think point is what you are after. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Math_Transform_Point
  18. Hi Colin , welcome to the forums. I believe the brush chosen is whatever the last brush you used was. I think this even happens if you start a new project Leadwerks will use the previously used brush.
  19. Just accepted your invitation to join. I don't have a lot of free time but will try to contribute when I can.
  20. Shadmar has a Firepit in the Workshop. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=312811332&searchtext= There are also smoke and spark emitter examples there as well.
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