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Thirsty Panther

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  1. Thirsty Panther's post in Editor Lockup was marked as the answer   
    Check this thread. A known problem with the latest AMD drivers.
  2. Thirsty Panther's post in Particle emitter start and end color was marked as the answer   
    OK I think I have cracked it.
    The material needs to be setup a little different to the Defalt particle.

    The color needs to be white.
    The emission needs to be black and roughness to 1.
    Transperancy set to true.
    Then your start and end colors have the desired effect.

  3. Thirsty Panther's post in Anyone have Aggror's old FlowGui ? was marked as the answer   
    I found version 1.1 on my computer.
    It's pretty old and I don't know if it still works.
  4. Thirsty Panther's post in How Do I Add a Post Effects to the Character Camera? was marked as the answer   
    In the top right hand corner you will find a "scene " tab.
    Select this.
    Down the bottom of this tab you will find "Post effects".
    Click "Add ".
    Select the effect you want then run your game.
  5. Thirsty Panther's post in Default Texture/Material for Brushes was marked as the answer   
    Hi Colin , welcome to the forums.
    I believe the brush chosen is whatever the last brush you used was.
    I think this even happens if you start a new project Leadwerks will use the previously used brush.
  6. Thirsty Panther's post in How to dowload a map from another player ? was marked as the answer   
    You cant download maps/scripts thru the Game Launcher. The Idea of game Launcher was to show your finished game.
    Also many of the assets used in those games are copyrighted so cant be used.
    If you want to have a look at some games/ Maps/ Scripts check out.
    Forth a Leadwerks community project.
    Darkness Awaits is another project updated by Reepblue.
  7. Thirsty Panther's post in How to duplicate a set of boxes ? was marked as the answer   
    Or if your using the editor "CTL C" and "CTL V".
    Or select your brush and hold CTL key down and drag, a copy will be created.
  8. Thirsty Panther's post in (Solved) Is possible use "PlayAnimation" starting from specific frame??? was marked as the answer   
    You could split your Talk animation in two.
    Talk 1 animation 0-950
    Talk 2 animation 450-950
    Then just call the animation you want.
  9. Thirsty Panther's post in Increase draw/clip distance? was marked as the answer   
  10. Thirsty Panther's post in Leadwerks 5.0 was marked as the answer   
    You cant. Its still in beta.
    I think Josh is hoping for a release at the end of the year. 
  11. Thirsty Panther's post in Config Emmiter Bug? was marked as the answer   
    What material do you have loaded for your Emitter?
    If you change it to "Default" do you still get the same result?
    I have made the same scene as you and it works fine. On my laptop I get 60 fps with no lag. 
    Is the material you are using a sprite sheet? In which case you will need to set up the uv animations in the emitter settings.
    P.S. I enjoy watching your videos.
  12. Thirsty Panther's post in What is cheaper in terms of performance? was marked as the answer   
    From memory Josh said there was no difference.
    Ah here it is.
  13. Thirsty Panther's post in florwgraph Leadwerks was marked as the answer   
    Flowgraph editor can be use to link objects without the need for complicated programming. For example a switch can be linked to a light, a door or even an elevator. Or you could have the one switch operate all 3 just by linking them in the flowgraph editor.
    There are also example maps in the FPS template which give good examples of how to use it.
  14. Thirsty Panther's post in Edit : Solved - Question was marked as the answer   
    Dont know for sure but usually when Steam sales are on.
  15. Thirsty Panther's post in Problem with collision was marked as the answer   
    You need to change the axis origin of your character. 
    Its looks like it is in the centre of your charcter, you need it to be at the base.
    You can use Blender or your modeling program of choice to alter this.
  16. Thirsty Panther's post in General Problem was marked as the answer   
    Have you created a navmesh?
  17. Thirsty Panther's post in Tutorial Gui? was marked as the answer   
    Agree that there needs to be better examples of the GUI in the documentation.
    This thread has some info that may help.
  18. Thirsty Panther's post in Turn on the forklift lights? was marked as the answer   
    A glow effect should do the job.
  19. Thirsty Panther's post in ERROR Failed to copy folder "Materials" to project directory. ERROR was marked as the answer   
    When you started your project which template did you use?
    If you chose a Blank Project then it wont have any of the scripts/ prefabs you are looking for. Its Blank.
    Start a project with the Advanced FPS template and it should have the player prefab in it.
  20. Thirsty Panther's post in Platform stand up was marked as the answer   
    For your camera problem check out the Spectator camera script. Its in the Assets - Scripts - Objects - Player folder. It has all the physics preset so the camera doesn't bump objects and it doesn't fall thru terrain.
    Not sure how to fix your second problem other than to use a smaller map.
  21. Thirsty Panther's post in Publishing Games ? was marked as the answer   
    Yes you can sell the games you make and no royalties.
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