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Everything posted by TattieBoJangle

  1. Many thanks shadmar i didnt even think of removing the skybox as i thought it was reliant on it Now Fixed!
  2. I had the same problem one beta it was fixed the next it wasn't i have informed Shadmar and sent him a test reproducing the issue so we will have to wait to see if he will be kind enough to have a look at it
  3. I did have the problem but after removing the player and the camera and placing them back in its now ok.
  4. my fps has always been low with the zombies anymore than 4 my fps drops below 60fps
  5. Take your time Josh we haven't demanded anything now hurry up ko . This has to be one of the strongest minded forums i have ever came across lets face it leadwerks is still missing alot of simple features so suggesting one shouldn't be taken as its not broken don't fix it it could be because there are so many different levels of people on here so the guys with the knowledge get frustrated with the guys with little knowledge and vice versa.
  6. The problem with that is when you have a big project you would have to remember everything you used and for each and every level you have to be able to remove the stuff you didn't use. Also the way i like to work is have all my media ready to place to see how it looks/feels sort of thing and the constant moving files into the project see how it looks the if you don't like it remove and repeat it get a bit tiresome most engines only take the entity's used saving time and all the hassle i know this wont come anytime soon but i think it would make a nice addition to leadwerks.
  7. --SOLVED-- I removed the AI plus scripts and no longer get the crash but i still get patches when nav meshing but the AI still run over it so it all good. Will go over the scripts
  8. I am getting this on a blank map just terrain also not sure if this will be any help
  9. Error after building Navmesh and test game crashes Assertion failed: npath < m_maxPath, file ..\..\Source\Libraries\RecastNavigation\DetourCrowd\Source\DetourPathCorridor.cpp, line 506
  10. 2Gb is nothing now days you get patch fixes bigger than that
  11. EDIT Works great for me but does not split at 1gb data 523mb data1 600mb data2 580mb data3 552MB
  12. Thanks Josh will look forward to the selective file inclusion update in your own time of course as long as it is coming
  13. Thanks for the reply Josh this would fix the size of the zip files but does nothing for your project size it still publishes every singe item you have even on a blank map there must be a way to only publish what you use. Any other engine i have used does this no questions asked
  14. 60GB wow I was hoping Josh would read this or he has and hasn't had time to reply due to the move and all I am hoping something gets sorted for this as i made a blank map today nothing but terrain and published it to show a friend who is interested in Leadwerks, but it publishes every single model you have even on a blank map. I could copy all the models back and forward but i have over 1Tb in Models and it takes a while. So i am hoping when Josh has time so it can be made to copy only assets that are in use.
  15. Could it not just export what was in the Scene root instead of taking all folders from assets, this one has got me a little put of with leadwerks as i was also wondering why my game was so big i never thought it would be packing everything that i don't use i then tried to go in and del anything i didn't use and it is a nightmare i believe something needs done with this.
  16. I don't mean to jump on your post here but i agree it is just crazy why it would take every model texture in the folder when say you only need some. I like to import and get a feel on how something looks in the engine and may use it or parts of it and going back after its published to del files is a nightmare. As i said i have never came across this before in an engine normaly it only takes what you use ect unless of course this is a bug.
  17. vegetation would be great! as for me that is a big thing the engine is missing.
  18. Will there ever be a Vegetation system for leadwerks?
  19. Thanks Josh as i said its getting bad now with that crash even with nothing but fresh windows drivers and leadwerks.
  20. Hi guys thanks for the reply's i have tried everything i can think of even wet as far as formatting my computer with a clean install of windows My graphics card is desktop AMD Asus R9 running latest drivers 14.4 When i get this error i closes leadwerks all together it is random so i can say what is causing it is there a crash report leadwerks creates when it does this ?
  21. I am getting this almost all the time now any idea what it is as its got to the point it is making me not want to use leadwerks it is random so i cant pin point it it can happen when building nav mesh or when simply saving or even when i click run.
  22. I am also getting this and leadwerks just closes for me it is when am in the characters animation and i saved.
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