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  1. thanks for the quick answer. i think these commands should be implemented, they are essential. off to the booleans for the left and right
  2. c++ "In C++ it's harder to shoot yourself in the foot, but when you do, you blow off your whole leg." — Bjarne Stroustrup.
  3. I am making my own gui with the 2d draw properties in LE, but i encountered a obstacle. i can find the MouseDown and the MouseHit commands, but i cannot find the syntax for MouseUp/MouseClick/MouseDoubleClick commands. does anyone know them?
  4. ok, Thanks! class.lua hold indeed a lot of info. gonna spend the rest of the week on LUA tutorials.
  5. thanks you two, now i know what the basics are. so i made an object to store the fog settings and a LUA file like this: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:InitDialog(grid) self.super:InitDialog(grid) group=grid:AddGroup( "FogSetting" ) group:AddProperty( "FogOnOff", PROPERTY_BOOL) group:AddProperty( "FOG_R", PROPERTY_FLOAT,'|0.0,1.0,1' ) group:AddProperty( "FOG_G", PROPERTY_FLOAT,'|0.0,1.0,1' ) group:AddProperty( "FOG_B", PROPERTY_FLOAT,'|0.0,1.0,1' ) group:AddProperty( "FOG_A", PROPERTY_FLOAT,'|0.0,1.0,1' ) group:AddProperty( "FogAngleB", PROPERTY_FLOAT,'|0.0,90,1' ) group:AddProperty( "FogAngleE", PROPERTY_FLOAT,'|0.0,90,1' ) group:AddProperty( "FogRangeB", PROPERTY_FLOAT,'|0.0,5000,1' ) group:AddProperty( "FogRangeE", PROPERTY_FLOAT,'|0.0,5000,1' ) group:Expand(1) end function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) object.model:SetKey("FogOnOff","1") object.model:SetKey("FOG_R","1") object.model:SetKey("FOG_G","1") object.model:SetKey("FOG_B","1") object.model:SetKey("FOG_A","1") object.model:SetKey("FogAngleB","0") object.model:SetKey("FogAngleE","45") object.model:SetKey("FogRangeB","0") object.model:SetKey("FogRangeE","10") end ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// can I just use: group=grid:AddGroup( "FogSetting" ) or are there predefined groupnames? are there reserved group names? it does seem to work though, but i am afraight to use names that are not to be used. thanks for the help!
  6. As there is no LUA section on the wiki, and LUA being such a big part of LE, is there some tutorial on, how LUA model files should be. i am looking at the LUA files that come along with the models supplied with LE, but there is no explanation. the only explanation i could find was in the "Leadwerks 2.3 - User Guide - 1.01" it said : require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) *For an exact explanation of what this script does, please ask on the forum with other words, what is the correct syntax of LUA for model files. i looked at some tutorials on LUA but non explain the usage with LE, they just explain the LUA language, i just want to make LUA files for models, not script or program in LUA in any way.
  7. Lumooja "hero No. 1" Thanks! this is exacly what i was looking for.
  8. Could we get some easy reference in the editor like some sort of compass? I made North, East, West and South boundary nodes to refer to as my boundarys where players cannot pass. I use this in multiple maps, where map sizes are different, so i don't have to adjust the code of the max North/South/East/West boundarys per map, but if i make a new map and rotate, i have no clue that is up or down on the map, so it's easy to place the N E W S nodes in the wrong locations. i understand this is no priority, but if it's easy to implement, you made me a happy man.
  9. My Hero!!! thanks, it did the trick.
  10. I placed a model (node_spawns_spawn01.gmf) in a map.sbx and named it in the editor "spawn_a01" what I want to happen is when I press the "r" key, that the controller is being moved to the object i named "spawn_a01" so i type: if (KeyHit(KEY_R)) { TVec3 spawnpos; //Create a TVec3 position to store the model position EntityPosition(spawn_a01, &spawnpos); //Get position of model and store it in spawnpos. PositionEntity(g_player01, spawnpos, 1); //Position the controller at the spawn model } logic tells that spawn_a01 needs to be defined, otherwise I get a "error C2065: 'spawn_a01' : undeclared identifier" but when i define it as follows TEntity spawn_a01; i get the following compiler error ": error C2664: 'EntityPosition' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'TVec3 *' to 'int'" probably i am thinking wrong in how I should approach this. please someone put me on the right track.
  11. +10 i have a (mapname).set file that holds the fog values for that particular map, it would be neat to hide it in the .pak(password protected), so it's harder to cheat by turning them off in the .set file.
  12. I have this ini file fetish, i like to poke around in ini files. I had this similiar kinda thing when i manualy added the gamepath in the editor.ini file. Try deletting the editor.ini, It fixed the startup problem of the editor on my system. the ini file can be found in your sdk folder. (something like d:/Program Files/Leadwerks Engine SDK/) ps. don't poke around in ini files if you do not know the purpose of ini files. i hope this solves your problem.
  13. Thanks, I accepted your offer. i'll let my buddy register a forum name. Once i have the new licence i'll have him ask for forum access.
  14. After buying the LE2.3 and playing a couple of days with it, i fell in love with it. So we are gonna use it for our next title. I am doing the code and my buddy is doing the 3dmax stuff. But my buddy needs the "convert max to gmf tool" and forum access to ask questions if they arise. so i would like to add an other seat to my licence. my question is, is this posible? With kind regards, NivorbiaN
  15. @ Mumbles Thanks, that was indeed the file what I was looking for.
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