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  1. But, some day in the future there will be an Android and iOS version available (with C++ support)? I'm not in a hurry, I will work on some projects only in my spare time anyway.
  2. Thank you very much! Now I'm happy and pretty sure that I'll buy the Android and iOS upgrades as well!
  3. Hi Christian, thank you for your reply. Paypal is all fine - they charged my giro account right after one day. Paypal is balanced and it tells me that the payment was completed on Feb 26. If I just could get a hand on the Leadworks support, we could fiddle it out... Maybe they couldn't track the billing to the right order or something like that. Thanks anyway!
  4. Hi there, I'm writing here because I don't got a single answer to several mails I send to support at leadwerks.com and to orders at leadwerks.com. I pre-ordered Leadwerks 3.1 on Feb. 26 2014 and payed with paypal. My paypal account got immediately charged but my status was still payment in review - till now. Now the status is expired. I'm totally disappointed that I don't got a single answer from the support. Now I payed $199 for the pre-order and got nothing but an expired status. I still hope that I can get the Product, but it seems that I have to contact paypal for a refund. Regards
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