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Everything posted by Haydenmango

  1. I agree with Rick here that turning off physics on hidden entities or entities that are outside of view range would be extremely helpful. The vegetation system is amazing for non-interactive objects that don't need to be in a specific position like grass, bushes, rocks, and the like but what about buildings or other objects you would see placed in a city? Cities would need specifically placed objects and there could be things like cars that you interact with. In that case having entities turn off their physics when out of view range would be perfect since the vegetation system isn't an option for those objects. Turning off physics on hidden entities or entities outside of view range could be a major benefit to anything that isn't using the vegetation system.
  2. After looking more into this I found that it is specifically the Billboards that are creating this issue. I have grass and rock vegetation layers that don't use billboards as well as a bush layer that uses billboards. When I get rid of the bush layer the issue goes away. Also I noticed that most of the time the reflections don't get distorted but the reflections do always get darker and I'm not sure if that's intended. Before (with bush vegetation layer) - After (without bush vegetation layer) -
  3. @vfn4i83 The vegetation can actually be painted onto the terrain manually so it doesn't need to be infinite, you can decide areas in which it is placed. Also you can always just manually place models, without using the vegetation system, if they need to be in really specific positions.
  4. In the most recent beta if you create a vegetation layer and have water in your scene the water reflections will be distorted. I took before and after screenshots to show what "distorted" means. Before (Without Vegetation) - After (With Vegetation) -
  5. Finally got to testing this today and I am really enjoying it. It works very well and is easy to use. Now I just need access through code to really get to work!
  6. Wow, this is super useful! Thank you for taking the time to write this.
  7. Haydenmango

    Vegetation Demo

    It is looking very good! I am getting 50+ fps on my GeForce GTX 960M. I noticed that trees collision shapes seem to be to wide but maybe that has to do with the camera collision?
  8. Nice. It even makes burnt pancakes? Impressive.
  9. Looking good, I am getting very excited!!
  10. I found this buried deep in the forums a while back and it works well. math.randomseed( tonumber(tostring(Time:Millisecs()):reverse():sub(1,6)) ) edit- oops didn't see the other topic
  11. Well I have a Nvidia card so that might have something to do with it. I also figured out that this only happens when the terrain quality is either medium or high. This is from my program log after starting Leadwerks and turning water mode to true - programlog.txt Edit- Ok, I didn't actually see the error the last time (or the water for that matter) so I tested it again. When I tested it the second time I moved the camera to look at the water and two shaders loaded (which I'm guessing are the shaders that are causing the issue). Here is the second program log from when I actually saw the error. - programlog2.txt
  12. I have been having similar issues when using decals on scenery. I was thinking that if you give a decal a parent that it should only project itself onto its parent. That might be a nice work-around if it is possible.
  13. I am getting this error everytime I turn water mode on.
  14. Hmm.. that's unfortunate. The terrain on low settings didn't look good but it was playable (and increased my fps) before but now I can't see it being used for anything. Oh well, I guess this isn't a bug then.
  15. Terrain on Low Settings looks extremely blurry after the beta update. The terrain on low settings wasn't this blurry before the beta update. Photo Example -
  16. Will we be able to place vegetation through code?
  17. Alright I guess I will upload a new version of my game then, thank you for the response!
  18. I have to upload two updates every time I update my workshop game because the first update uploads the previous build of my game. Should I just make a new workshop game and delete the current one or is anyone else experiencing the same issue?
  19. The night sequence is based on the directional lights color being turned to black. To recreate this make a terrain, set water mode to true, and place a directional light in the scene with a diffuse color of 0.
  20. I noticed at night time in my game that water reflections don't take current lighting into account. This doesn't seem right. Here is a picture for an example -
  21. Awesome! This change cleared up the last of my major bugs and now I can get ready to put my game on the Game Player.
  22. Great job, it looks very professional and functional. I have been working on a better GUI for my game lately and reading through your blogs/watching your videos has helped me a lot. Thanks for sharing!
  23. Other than updating shaders I haven't changed or added anything. It seems like the terrain rendering is much slower because my games without a terrain have the same performance as before.
  24. Decals look good and work quite well. I am getting very bad performance after this update though (10-15 fps less than before the update) and can't seem to do anything to make it better.
  25. After the beta update terrain textures are removed when loading a map in game or in the editor.
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