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  1. Thanks for the reply guys, gonna see if that gets it sorted. Oh Lumooja I assume you meant the position with 0, 0, 0.
  2. Hello guys. I'm having some problems with normal map and getting them rendered properly in the LE editor. I think i'm doing something wrong with the shaders but after screwing arround with different shaders for 2 days and trying different solutions found in forum topics about normal map problems, I'm still at the same place as I started. So i've used some old tutorial dice to show my problem and hopefully some1 here knows where i'm screwing things up The normal map is rendered the way is should be in 3ds max and the LE materialeditor. max render without proper textures : max render with the textures : screenshot of the material editor, notice how even in the shade the normal map is displaying correct as it has to be : My problem comes when I look at the model in the LE modelviewer or the LE Editor, the normal map are than only being renderd properly in the direct light, any part of the normal map that is in the shade or not being lighted directly is not renderd and displayed as a flat surface. screenshot of the modelviewer, notice how the shaded side isn't being renderd as it should be. and in the editor it looks the same as in the modelviewer, only the surface thats lighted directly renders the normal map, shaded sides appear flat. Like I said I think I'm srewing it up somewhere with the shaders, tbh I'm a LE shader noob so to say and still find it difficult to find my way true all the shaders. The best result so far I'm getting with these .mat file settings : texture0="abstract::cube_tex.dds" texture1="abstract::cube_dot3.dds" texture2="abstract::cube_disp.dds" shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_parallax.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_parallax.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow.vert" and here are the .dss files I'm using for this dice : I hope some1 here can point me in the right direction and help me solve this little problem. Many thanks in advance.
  3. Sorry to read about all the problems you are having Michael. IMO the missing of an undo/redo function in an editor/design tool is a major flaw and is something that has to be added asap. We are all human and humans make mistakes so we need a tool to help us overcome our human flaws Atm I forcing my self to safe before allmost everything I do in the editor and thats not realy practical. And since I can forget to safe its not realy a solution to the problem.
  4. Are the any plans to add more terrain texture layers to the LE Editors cause tbh 5 is doable but i prefere a couple of extra layers to work with. I remember reading some where on these forums that the terrain texure layers where limited to 5 layers for reasons I cant remember but that more would be added some day. So my question is, Is its possible to get more terrain texture layers in the near future and if so how long would it take to make that near future present day Thanks for any info on this.
  5. I'm all so having problems with objects and their alignment, so here is another bump for the good cause.
  6. Good Day Just saying hello here as I'm new. I'm working together with Nivorbian and just as he did I fell in love with the Leadwerks engine. Doing the 3d/textures and game level design in our team.
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