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  1. So, i'm trying to make Joint:Ball script and so far i have joint script: Script.parent = nil --entity Script.child = nil --entity Script.position = self.model:GetPosition --Vec3 function Script:Start() App:Joint(self.position, self.child, self.parent) end And app function for creating joints: function App:Joint(parent_position, child, parent) joint = Joint:Ball(self.parent_position, self.child, self.parent) end All it does now - just crashes the game. What i did wrong?
  2. Well were is http://lame.sourceforge.net/ lame encoder. Afair it can be used for commercial under LGPL licence. But .acc or .ogg would be nice too.
  3. Any chance we could see some compressed audio formats support, like .mp3? It's really a pain then project gets twice the size, just from adding music.
  4. That helps, thanks a lot
  5. Can you be little more specific, please? How do i implement ball joint mechanic in the leadwerks? (Sorry if that questions is kinda stupid...)
  6. Sup guys, long time no see. I've just wanted to know, if there anyway to get chain physics for the model? For swinging things around on the end of that chain, you know, all that stuff. I can't think of any good method to do this. Any tips?
  7. You might wanna read this http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8845-selfworldclear-bug/
  8. By the way, Rick, i wonder if you could sent me empty project with just level change somewhere in it. That way i could check if it is just my leadwerks creating projects wrongly.
  9. Btw, how do i submit bugreport in here?
  10. I've opted into beta and have created project just for testing. I've got following error now, instead of windows critical: Object reference count error. And output like
  11. Should i submit bugreport to the engine devs or smth? Btw, if i comment 52 line it loads next lvl. Lags as hell, but it gets it done.
  12. Yep, that would be line 52 in app.lua, which now is self.world:Clear()
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