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  1. Sorry won't do any good man, I pay for my subscription, unfortunately, but I haven't had a problem with anything since so it's worked. I'll just have to work around the issue.
  2. So this wouldn't be a problem, if it allowed me to trust the program but it doesn't allow me to do that, I submitted it to their labs hopefully they will resolve it being labeled as a trojan. I can only hope that is, I wonder if this will happen with licensed games. I hope not. For now I guess I'll just have to use a virtualbox or another pc to develop on, or just stop using mcafee.
  3. They have a form for disputes for virus detections, it might be worth pursuing if the issue persists but I can understand your callousness. I agree it's their issue, and I will contact them about it.
  4. Of course the common offenders would probably be, and I say probably cause I've done some of these and never had issues, manipulating the stack frame directly, unwieldy gotos, if you haven't guessed I'm a developer so I've done a lot of development on my PC, with McAfee, and done a lot of things and never had an issue with McAfee, could also be an obfuscation issue if you use a code obfuscator. Just throwing out ideas for ya! I'd be interested to know if anyone else who uses McAfee has this issue when viewing the Leadwerks directory. I have no way of knowing if this is just an issue with my system or McAfee in general.
  5. Thanks for the reply Josh, agreed there is something in the release version it's recognizing as malicious. The debug version would probably just contain your #ifdef'd debug code if written in C/C++, and debug symbols unless it is another type of debug version having additional functionality to handle game script debugging. You should be able to debug the issue by looking at the #ifdef #else blocks, that is of course if that is the mechanism you use for developing the debug and release. Also could try removing compiler optimizations to rule out those as an issue but, I haven't seen something like this except with licensing software and remote desktop software.
  6. Re-downloading did not solve the issue, it still gets automatically removed. I have seen McAfee legitimately flag licensing software and libraries as trojans because of the code required to ensure that the license agreement is kept and no pirating happens. Also with VNC and similar types of programs which are potential security vulnerabilities. I should be able to flag the executable as trusted and still be able to work, although I think this issue would seriously hurt distribution efforts for games made with the engine. Edit: note that it only flags the Engine.exe not the Engine.debug.exe, possibly a problem with optimization in the compiler but I am not sure about that, but because one gets removed and the other doesn't it would seem to suggest there might be an issue there.
  7. I downloaded it from this sites download section. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/download/98-leadwerks-engine-evaluation-kit-23/ using the above link. I did have an issue just a little while ago after downloading the executable, I got a corrupt file warning. This might have been a similar issue but highly unlikely, as the installer would have failed to run instead of causing the engine executable to be corrupt. Is there a checksum I could use to verify the installer program? I testing to see if redownloading will solve the issue.
  8. I hate to make this my first post in the forums, but I was trying out the engine and came across this issue. I was unable to find where I should post this, there isn't a Bug forums and I couldn't see how to add a new bug to the tracker. So as soon as I enter the Leadworks directory in "Program Files" and the icons are resolved Engine.exe is deleted. I am guessing it has something to do with the icon resource embedded in the engine executable. Let me know if this can be fixed. Is a known issue. Again I don't like this being my first post in the forums, so please accept my apology, but it's something I feel that should be addressed.
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