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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. Also, I have come along with another problem that's unrelated, just a noob question. How do I scale the objects?
  2. It looks like it worked, thank you. Loving leadwerks engine by the way. Really easy to get started
  3. I'm trying to export a set of animations saved as .fbx into leadwerks. I have tried uu3d but it says I have to buy the software and I just can't afford to buy it just so I can mess around with the evaluation kit. Is there any free software that will do the trick? Here's the animation set if anyone wanted to see it : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gk8q2Fv73Jo
  4. the story is you are the leader of an elite spec ops team that has been sent on a mission to extract a scientist from a top secrect weapons testing facility in russia. It is supposed to be a quick, in and out extraction mission but it all goes wrong. instead of rescueing the scientist he takes you and your team captive and tests top secret bioweapons on you. The tests give you huge amounts of strength and you manage to escape and you go on a rampage. then you have to find your team mates and help them escape while fighting hordes of highly trained soldiers inside the facility. despite there atempts to stop you from escaping you manage to kill the scientist and escape with your team(most of them) revealing the secrets of the facility to the world. if anyone is interested i want to put a team together. i will need: programers 3d modelers level desiegners texture artists storyboard artists character artists pretty much anyone who can contribute to the game is welcome. I can rig and animate pretty well but i dont know a thing about programing in any langauges so programers are the main thing that is needed. I also have i good eye for quality and alot of free time. if you are interested or have any ideas please contact me. my email adress is jordanblythe104@hotmail.com
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